We are excited to announce that the Most Reverend Roger J. Foys has promulgated that a new Religious Education series — Sophia Institute for Teachers’ “Spirit of Truth” — will be implemented in all Parish and School (K-8) Religious Education programs beginning in the 2020-2021 school year.
Join Sophia Institute for Teachers for a FREE weekly 1 hour Virtual Workshop series entitled, Christ in the Classroom. Each session can be joined live, watched later, or listened to in podcast format later and will feature content, practical classroom applications, and spiritual formation presented in a dynamic way by one or more of our engaging presenters, and we will provide certificates for 1 hour of PD with each episode. You can learn more by visiting: https://SophiaInstituteforTeachers.org/ChristintheClassroom
What local educators are saying:
– “Sophia is a strong and rigorous program in terms of content, vocabulary, Scripture, and catechism.”
– “It develops the Christian Imagination.”
– “The videos are outstanding.”
– “The orthodoxy is there, solid in every way.”
– “It has what’s been missing from religious instruction for many years.”
– “The teachers are given catechesis to understand and present more effectively to students.”
– “The activities are unique, created specifically for each lesson—I would like to teach using it!”
– “The Teacher’s Guide is like a cookbook! The content is rigorous but the format is easy to follow!”
– “It presents the faith in a full, unabashed, simple, sleek and engaging style.”
Resources for Principals and Teachers:
Ready To Explore More?
Begin exploring now at: https://sophiainstituteforteachers.org/spiritoftruth We especially encourage you to check out their free online virtual workshops: https://sophiainstituteforteachers.org/virtualworkshops.
Order Textbooks
To order textbooks please contact Mr. Robert S. Kenney, Vice President, Marketing and Sales, at Sophia Institute for Teachers, at: Office – 603.641.9344, ext. 333; Direct – 603.521.7793; E-mail – rkenney@sophiainstitute.com.
For detailed information about pricing, call (859) 392-1592.
Info About Professional Development and Teacher Training
One of the reasons Spirit of Truth was chosen was because of its dynamic and passionate approach to professional development and teacher training!
– Mr. Robert S. Kenney, VP of Marketing and Sales, is our diocese’s primary point of contact with The Sophia Institute.
– The Sophia Institute for Teachers can offer custom textbook and transition training tailored to each parish and school.
– They are prepared to work with each parish and school during these uniquely challenging times.
– We will partner with the Sophia Institute to provide annual, daylong Faith Formation and Professional Development Workshops for our teachers and catechists.
– Every parish, school, teacher and catechist will have ready, direct access to a Sophia Support Specialist.
***To develop a training tailored specifically to you and your team, contact Mr. Kenney at: Office – 603.641.9344, ext. 333; Direct – 603.521.7793; E-mail – rkenney@sophiainstitute.com.