Catechetical Award Winners 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bishop Howard Memorial Hall, Curia Building

Honoring Catechetical Leaders

for their Service during

the 2023-2024 School Year

The Awards

Outstanding Early Childhood Teacher/Catechist

  • At least five years experience in the parish or school program
  • Takes initiative in continuing personal education and spiritual enrichment
  • Good working relationship with DRE and Principal
  • Consistent in the handling of students
  • Maintains good communication with parents

Outstanding Teacher/Catechist

(Middle School, Junior High, High School)

  • At least five years experience in the parish or school program
  • Takes initiative in continuing personal education and spiritual enrichment
  • Good working relationship with DRE and Principal
  • Consistent in the handling of students
  • Maintains good communication with parents

Outstanding Catechetical Leader

(Catechetical Leader, Principal, Director or Coordinator of Religious Education)

  • At least five years of experience as a catechetical leader in the
    Diocese of Covington
  • Good working relationship with the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization
  • Evidence of personal updating in the professional and catechetical field
  • Evidence of leadership, initiative, and dedication in the ministry of education

The Sister Ann Adele Fritz Catechetical Award

  • Exemplifies the Mission of Jesus: to bring about the realization of God’s presence, continued in the life of the Church through worship, word, community, and service
  • Proclaims and teaches God’s Word and Faith tradition in order that faith might be enlivened and nurtured
  • Has a personal understanding of the need for on-going formation
  • Enables others to grow in their personal faith life
  • Creates initiatives that support families in their role as first catechists
  • Actively works toward the development of a faith-filled parish community

Outstanding Family Life Minister

(Marriage Preparation, Natural Family Planning Instruction, Marriage Enrichment, and Ministry for Separated or Divorced,
and Widows and Widowers)

  • At least five years experience working in their ministry
  • Good working relationship with their Pastor or director of the program
  • Commitment to personal on-going education and formation
  • Evidence of leadership, initiative, and dedication in their ministry
  • Evidence of enabling others to grow in their personal faith life
  • Evidence of actively working towards the development of a faith-filled parish/group community

Outstanding Catechetical Minister

(Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministers)

  • At least five years experience working in their ministry
  • Commitment to young people
  • Commitment to personal on-going education and formation
  • Evidence of leadership, initiative, and dedication in their ministry
  • Evidence of enabling others to grow in their personal faith life

Outstanding Catholic Retreat Minister

  • At least five years experience working in this ministry
  • Evidence of servant leadership and empowering ministry teams to be disciples
  • Demonstration and understanding of adolescent spirituality and the methods of promoting spiritual growth
  • Identifiable as a person of contagious faith
  • Fidelity to the mission of the Church and to the charism and goals of the retreat program

Outstanding Homeschool Educator

  • At least five years experience as a homeschool educator
  • Evidence of a high level of competency in forming the whole student, mind, body, and spirit
  • Empowers student(s) to develop a Catholic worldview and to be incorporated into the life, mission, and ministry of Jesus – the Church.
  • Demonstrates good working relationships with parish/Church leaders and the homeschool community
  • Takes initiative for ongoing spiritual and intellectual formation

The Sister Ann Adele Fritz Award

Sister M. Ann Adele Fritz

Sister M. Ann Adele Fritz , SND

Notre Dame Sister Mary Ann Adele Fritz (born Mary Luella Fritz in 1930) entered the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1949 and was faithful to her vows and committed to prayer all her life. Sister M. Ann Adele gave her whole heart in service of the Diocese of Covington and Archdiocese of Cincinnati for 47 years. She served as both teacher and principal, and is remembered for her high expectations, organization, creativity, friendliness, and service projects.

As a Director of Religious education for 25 years, serving at both St. Joseph, Crescent Springs, and St. Joseph, Cold Spring, she was a pioneer. She loved being a DRE and said, “I appreciate being able to minister to others by increasing their knowledge and love for the Lord.” She passed away in February 1998 and The Sister Ann Adele Fritz Award was initiated that same year to honor her memory.

The recipient of this award reminds us that we are all called to be joyful witnesses to Jesus Christ. They are willing to make personal sacrifices so that others may come to know and love Jesus, all the while ministering in His name. This person embodies what it means to be a missionary disciple.

A Prayer for Catechists

Loving Father, we pray today for our catechists. We

thank you for their gift of ministry in your Church.

Grant them your wisdom that they may grow in the

understanding and teaching of your Word. Grant them also

your love that they may be fruitful heralds of your Word and

lead others to love you.

Pour forth your Holy Spirit upon them to grant them

wisdom about what is important; knowledge of the truths of

faith; understanding of their meaning; right judgement

about how to apply them in life; courage to persevere even

in the face of adversity; reverence before all that is sacred

and holy; and that loving zeal which leads others to a

transforming encounter with your Son.

We pray this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.