
Death Notice

Bishop John Iffert, the priests, deacons and lay faithful of the Diocese of Covington, mourn the death, Feb. 4, of

Father James Quill

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he and the souls of all the faithfully departed, rest in peace.

Services will be held Thursday, February 13 at St. Agnes Church, Ft. Wright

Visitation begins at 10 a.m.

Funeral Mass at 11:30 a.m.

The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, something which happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,” and it will be a year of hope for a suffering world. Click here to learn more about local and national events celebrating the jubilee, including a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Bishop Iffert.

You don’t want to a miss a thing! Stay up to date on events and happenings as together the bishop, priests, and people and of the Diocese of Covington develop a strategic pastoral plan and leaders.

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A Message from Bishop Iffert

Jubilee 2025

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we begin the New Year, I am filled with joy and anticipation for this Jubilee Year 2025.

Jubilee Years, which occur every 25 years, offer us a unique opportunity to deepen our faith, renew our commitment to Christ, and experience the boundless love and mercy of God. This Jubilee, themed “Pilgrims of Hope,” is a time for us to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of Creation.

As we embark on this Jubilee Year, let us embrace the spirit of renewal and reconciliation. May this be a time of spiritual growth, forgiveness, and hope for all.

Discover more about the special Jubilee Year and how our Diocese is celebrating at
Please continue to pray for the Church in Covington and for me.

Yours in the Joy of the Jubilee Year,

Most Rev. John Iffert
Bishop of Covington

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How do I …

In the Diocese of Covington, before contracting the services of an extern (from outside the diocese) priest or deacon, man or woman religious, or lay person a request for verification in good standing must be submitted to the Chancery. Click here and you will be directed to the Chancery’s webpage where you can download and submit the proper form.

You’re engaged — congratulations! Visit the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization page and click on the quick link “Programs for Engaged Couples” for answers to your questions.

The Office of Catechesis and Evangelization offers a variety of adult faith formation classes throughout the school year and during the summer. These classes are also required as part of the catechist certification process and formation for aspirants to the permanent diaconate. For information and the schedule of classes Click Here.

The Tribunal Office is available to help with the annulment process.

Employment opportunities for diocesan administrative positions, principals, teachers, and other parish and school positions can be found by clicking here.

The Archives of the Diocese of Covington offers assistance in obtaining sacramental records and other genealogical information.

New Beginnings is the diocese’s Separated and Divorced ministry. Click here for more information.