The Office of Catechesis and Evangelization

Jesus ChristThe primary mission of the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization is to implement the Bishop’s vision of how the Catholic faith should be taught and spread throughout the Diocese of Covington in order to form and support disciples of Christ. The office functions as an extension of the bishop’s ministries to teach — by coordinating and supervising all parish-based and in-school religious education programs from early childhood through adult faith formation; to sanctify — by providing means to assist Catholics in living good and holy lives; and to govern — by developing and overseeing policies that assist in promoting a good and complete Catholic education.

What We Offer

Through a variety of events, we offer Ongoing Catholic Faith Formation for all ages!Blessed Mother

For Our Upcoming Events

Ministries of Catechesis and Evangelization

Study the Faith

Adult Formation

Catholic Courses

School Children

Teachers & Catechists

Resources for your Classroom


Marriage Preparation

A Vocation to Love


Catholic Family Life

Building Catholic Families

Young Adults

Young Adult Ministry

Finding your Way in the Church


Youth Ministry

Discovering your Faith

World Youth Day

World Youth Day

August 1 – 6, 2023, Lisbon


National Catholic Youth Conference

Nov. 20 – 22, 2025, Indianapolis


Catholic Scouting

Finding Faith through Scouting

Wedding Vespers Couple 2023

Wedding Anniversary Vespers

Honoring Milestone Anniversaries


Explore the Catholic Faith

Resources for your Journey


Support for Divorced or Separated Catholics

Help when you need it most

Catechetical Institute


CI Sign Up Screen Shot 2024 AugPartnership with Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute

Catechetical Institute ImageWant to learn more about the Catholic Faith? Are you a teacher looking needing Continuing Education Credits? You’ve come to the right place!

We’ve partnered with the Catechetical Institute –

Support for Your Marriage

Retrouvaille – HOPE for couples going through difficult times in their marriages. Retrouvaille is a program of healing and renewal consisting of one weekend and six follow-up sessions over the course of two months. For confidential information or to register for the upcoming program beginning with a weekend on April 4-6, 2025, call (513) 486-6662 or visit

Retrouvaille Icon
Marquette Method Class

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