Resources for Teachers and Catechists:

The Religion Teacher catholic-lesson-plans
Institute for Catholic Culture
Real + True
Goodlove Community
Catholic Kid
Cardinal Newman Society
Catechism Angel
Magis Center
Sophia TOB
Holy Heroes
Catechist Magazine
Catholic School Playbook
National Community of Catechetical Leaders
Catholic Mom
Sophia Teachers
Theology of the Body Parent School
Look to Him and be Radiant
Responding to Transgender Ideology

Ark LogoAssessment of Religious Knowledge (ARK)

The Diocese of Covington Department of Catholic Schools and Office of Catechesis and Evangelization are pleased to continue this partnership with ARK, as we believe it will help analyze our progress in passing on the Catholic faith to the students who have been entrusted to our care.

ARK is the only comprehensive assessment of Catholic Religious Education available. The data generated will be a powerful resource for religion teachers, and directors and coordinators of religious education programs for years to come.

For additional information, please go to

Sophia Institute for Teacher’s “Spirit of Truth” for Parish and School K–8 Religious Education Programs

We know that our teachers and catechists are on the front lines of evangelization and faith formation. We also know that their job is not easy in a world that seems increasingly antagonistic to the Gospel. As they face these challenges, it is our duty to arm them with the finest tools available to assist them in their vital mission.

For additional information, please go to Sophia Institute for Teachers

Word of Life Textbook

Christ in Us Textbook

The following textbooks are useable options for Parish Religious Education Programs

Curriculum & Certification Guidelines

Diocesan Teachers of Religion & Catechists Cerification Requirement

All diocesan teachers of religion in schools or parish programs of religion (CCD) must be certified through the diocesan certification program. This is also required for anyone who teaches the faith in positions through RCIA, parish Adult Faith Formation programs, and Youth and Young Adult Ministries. They need to complete all courses for the Elementary Level of certification.

Faith Formation Record Sheet

Elementary Level Religion Curriculum

(Includes Home Schooling)

Elementary Religion Curriculum and Guidelines

Each elementary school principal and parish director or coordinator of the parish religion program shall receive a copy of the new curriculum for teaching religion at the elementary level.

If you have questions, please call 392-1500.

Religion Textbooks for Parish High School Religion Programs

High School Religion Curriculum

High School Religion Course of Study

Each high school principal shall receive a hard copy of the new curriculum for teaching religion at the high school level.

If you have questions, please call.

Religion Textbooks for Catholic High Schools

Keep the Faith! Share the Faith!

School Children

A book by one of our teachers!


Seeds of Faith Reflection

sower of seeds

Design by Andy Wagoner

“Evangelization is the way in which we show others why and how to trust in God.” – Jared Dees


There is a plethora of high quality, FREE, Catholic content available on the web. We thought it might be helpful to assemble and recommend some of those resources for you.

  • Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World
  • Pint’s with Aquinas Podcast
  • Catholic Stuff You Should Know Podcast
  • Thomistic Institute Podcast
  • Institute of Catholic Culture Podcast
  • Classical Theism Podcast
  • Catholic Answers Focus
  • Catholic Answers Live
  • Word on Fire Show

Prayer Table Activity

Prayer Table

Prior to class: Place a variety of objects on the “Prayer Table” related to that evening’s vocabulary/concepts/lesson. Ask the students to name something that they see on the table and reinforce what they know about it. Try to relate it to the topic of the evening.

Activity: At the beginning of each class, gather students around the Prayer Table.  Ask each student to state a petition, intercession, thanksgiving, praise for the week. This helps children hear the prayers of their peers, and to recognize that they are not alone. End by praying a traditional prayer, such as a Hail Mary and/or Our Father.

“This Prayer Table activity seemed to bring the class together, reinforce what they already knew and shared, and encourage them to learn more about our Catholic Faith. The best piece of advice regarding prayer … Prayer is portable! You can pray anytime, anywhere, alone or with others.” – Loretta Macaluso, Catechist in the Diocese of Covington

Trust in God and never forget that “all things work together for good for those who love God” (Rom 8:28). If there is anything the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization can do to assist you, do not hesitate to contact us by e-mailing [email protected] or calling (859) 392-1500.