2025 Consecrated Life Mass
Audio of Bishop John Iffert’s Homily
Upcoming Events
United In Prayer
The women religious vocation directors of our Diocese regularly sponsor prayers for peace called United in Prayer.
This time of prayer is a sign of hope and unity, and a moment of peace and encouragement for others and ourselves as a praying community. Whether you can be in person or online, please join in praying for peace.
United in Prayer will be on the following dates in Goebbel Park at the Bell Tower, Mainstrasse, at 6:00pm:
- Tuesday, April 1, 2025
- Tuesday, June 3, 2025
You can also join the prayer via Facebook Live at the event link or on the Sisters of Divine Providence and Sisters of Notre Dame Facebook pages:
United in Prayer | Facebook
Sisters of Divine Providence | Facebook
Sisters of Notre Dame: Covington, KY | Facebook
This prayer is hosted by the Sisters of Notre Dame, Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg, and the Sisters of Divine Providence.
Come and invite others too!
Service Day with the Sisters
Sponsored by the Benedictine Sisters, Sisters of Divine Providence, and Sisters of Notre Dame, Service with the Sisters of the Diocese of Covington will be held on Saturday, April 12, 2025, 9:00am-2:00pm. All who are interested will need to gather at Mother of God Church, Covington. Join us as we partner with various agencies to help our sisters and brothers in need with: gardening, working on a house, sorting clothing, helping in an outreach center, and painting.
Registration is required. The registration deadline is Friday, April 4, 2025. Click HERE to register, or call Sister Ruth Lubbers at (859) 750-8190.
Why We Love Being Sisters!
Women’s and Men’s Religious Communities
Communities of Women Religious
The Diocese of Covington, KY is home to five communities of women religious:
- Congregation of Divine Providence (CDP)
Home – (cdpkentucky.org) - Passionist Nuns (CP)
PASSIONISTS NUNS MONASTERY (erlangerpassionists.com) - Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg Monastery (OSB)
Home – St. Walburg Monastery (stwalburg.org) - Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker (SJW)
Home (ssjw.org) - Sisters of Notre Dame (SND)
SND USA | Our Regions
In addition, the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm (O.Carm) (Carmelite Sisters For The Aged And Infirm Welcome) operate Carmel Manor, one of the nursing care facilities within the Diocese’s jurisdiction.
The Franciscan Daughters of Mary (FDM) (Franciscan Daughters of Mary (fdofmary.org)) are a Public Association of the Faithful who operate Rose Garden Home Mission, one of the many care facilities within the Diocese’s jurisdiction.
Communities of Men Religious
The following communities of men religious reside in and/or serve in the Diocese of Covington:
- Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis (CFP)
Congregation of the Brothers of the Poor of St. Francis (franciscan-brothers.net) - Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI)
CMI-North America – CMI-North America (cmiusa.org) - Congregation of the Rosarians (CR)
Rosarians (rosariancr.com) - Legionaries of Christ (LC)
Legionaries of Christ – Cincinnati, OH (rcohiovalley.org) - Society of Jesus (SJ)
Jesuits Homepage – Midwest Province (jesuitsmidwest.org) - Vincentian Congregation (VC)
Vincentian Congregation
Forms of Consecrated Life
For information on “Forms of Consecrated Life,” please see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website:
Forms of Consecrated Life | USCCB
Discernment Tools
If you are trying to discern a potential vocation in religious life, but don’t know where or how to start, please see the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website:
Discernment Tools | USCCB
Sr. Marla Monahan, SND, Vicar for Religious
If you think God may be calling you to consider a vocation in religious life, please contact Sr. Marla Monahan, SND, Vicar for Religious, at mmonahan@covdio.org or visit the following webpage: Vicar For Religious – Diocese of Covington.