More upcoming Events

July 13 & 14 – Fully Alive! High School Retreat. FAITH. HOPE. JOY. For incoming 9-12 grade students. Sponsored by the Diocese of Covington and located at Thomas More University. Cost is $50 per child. Registration DATE EXTENDED through Monday July 8th. Sat 9am to 9pm & Sun 9am – 5 pm.

August 10 – REVIVE! Where Friends, Sports, Music & Adoration MIX. High School & College welcome. Located at Thomas More University from 7 – 10 pm. No cost. No RSVP needed.

To join our email list click here.

Contact Us

Diocesan Youth Minister, Angie Poat at [email protected]

Forms for Youth Ministers and Event Organizers

If you are a youth minister, please download forms here to be used for events hosted at your parish by you.

Newman Connection connects graduating seniors to the Catholic campus ministry at their chosen college before they get to campus. Keep the faith alive in college! All you need to do as a student or parent is go to and fill out the form.

Newman Connect

Graduating Seniors Connect Here!

Baccalaureate Mass with Bishop Iffert

High school seniors who attend public schools or homeschools, along with their families, were the guests of honor at a Baccalaureate Mass with Bishop John Iffert at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption on May 1. Following Mass there was a reception in Bishop Howard Memorial Auditorium. Congratulations, seniors!!!

Crest No Background


We seek prayerful and missionary-focused adults and young adults to help envision, plan or support thriving youth ministries and retreats.

If you would like more information click here:

National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)


National Catholic Youth Conference

National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a unique three-day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, service, and empowerment for Catholic teens and their adult chaperones.

The next NCYC will be in Indianapolis, Nov. 20-22, 2025.

Click on the link above to learn how to implement a youth ministry program in your parish.

The Mission of Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Covington

To build and support widespread youth ministry across the diocese to, with, by, and for teens, providing an intentional place for teens to thrive in the life, mission, and ministry of the Church. 

“Planted in the house of the Lord we shall flourish and bear fruit.”  Ps 92:14-15 

The pillars of diocesan youth ministry are unity, sustainability, and joy. 

Reminder: All adults must be VIRTUS certified to work with youth. More information can be found on the Safe Environment webpage.