Meet the OCE Team
Our Ministry
The primary mission of the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization is to implement the Bishop’s vision of how the Catholic faith should be taught and spread throughout the Diocese of Covington in order to form and support disciples of Christ. The office functions as an extension of the bishop’s ministries to teach — by coordinating and supervising all parish-based and in-school religious education programs from early childhood through adult faith formation; to sanctify — by providing means to assist Catholics in living good and holy lives; and to govern — by developing and overseeing policies that assist in promoting a good and complete Catholic education.
In addition to Catholic education, the office supports Family Life Ministry, Young Adult Ministry, and Youth Ministry.
The Office of Catechesis and Evangelization is structured in a way that is meant to be a ministry for the ministers. We serve pastors, theology teachers, directors of religious education, RCIA directors, youth ministers and parents by providing skill-development, resources and faith formation programs that will help them spread the Gospel of Christ in homes, schools and parishes. Our fundamental mission comes from Jesus’s words at the end of the Gospel of Matthew — to “make disciples of all nations.” We pray that we can continue to live out this mission, always led by the Holy Spirit and through the love of Jesus Christ.