Laura Keener, Editor

After two years of data gathering, listening to parishioners, discussing and planning, Bishop John Iffert is poised to kick off an essential initiative of the With One Heart pastoral plan — the Campaign of Mercy. This campaign, identified by the WOH Planning Commission as an integral and strategic evangelization effort, focuses on service to others as a means for personal and communal transformation.

The Campaign of Mercy will launch on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, traditionally referred to as the Feast of Corpus Christi, with a prayer service and Eucharistic procession, June 2, 2 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington. Following the liturgical celebration, an ice cream social and kick-off event will be held at neighboring St. Mary’s Park. Everyone is encouraged to participate.

The Campaign of Mercy incorporates three critical experiences to transformation — encounter, reflection and invitation.

First, to recognize a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, and how that experience is calling a person to encounter and serve others — “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do,” Jesus commissioned his apostles at the Last Supper and commissions his followers today. (John 13:15)

Then through reflection and prayer allowing the Holy Spirit to move the mind and heart to recognize how that encounter in serving others is life-giving, not for the receiver but for the doer — to transform good works into relationships. Finally, after experiencing that joy, inviting others to join in service, reflection and encounter.

“This is where I can see transformation, when people realize the goodness of our faith, that we are all called to be the hands and feet of Christ,” said Faye Roch, director, diocesan Pro-Life Office.

Mrs. Roch is one of 16 committee members, led by Chris Goddard, director, Catholic Charities, who are developing and implementing the Campaign of Mercy. These members were selected not only for their professional and ministerial expertise but also as representatives from across the Diocese.

“It wasn’t an exact science, but we wanted to have a nice cross section of people,” said Mr. Goddard noting the diversity of clergy, religious, parishes, schools and Catholic organizations that make up the committee.

The two most immediate projects the committee is focusing are the kick-off ice cream social on June 2 and the beginnings of a webpage. The ice cream social will be an opportunity for folks to meet Bishop Iffert and Chris Goddard, to hear from committee members and to chat with other attendees about what they are learning about the Campaign of Mercy.

The website,, will act as the digital home of the Campaign, providing information on ways to reflect and prepare for ministry, suggestions on what ministries are available at parishes and in the community and sharing the stories of those actively involved in ministry and how it has changed them. Campaign developments will also be pushed out to parishes to share on their social media accounts and featured in the <>

“I’m just really excited for the transformational stories to be shared,” said Mr. Goddard.

Mr. Goddard points out that the Campaign of Mercy is “a work in progress” and that momentum will build as more and more people get involved.

“There’s plenty of opportunities for everyone,” Mr. Goddard said. “We’re all very serious about being the hands and feet of Christ, sometimes we’re just not intentional about how we go about doing it … to grow in our own relationship, first and foremost, but to truly grow in our love and understanding of our brothers and sisters.”

Campaign of Mercy Committee

Chris Goddard, committee lead and director, Catholic Charities

Vicky Bauerle, institutional advancement manger, Catholic Charities

Ruth Coronado, Spanish teacher, St. Hendry District High School

Deacon Adam Feinauer, St. Agnes Parish, Ft. Wright

Casey Guilfoyle, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Ft. Mitchell

Laura Keener, diocesan Communications director

Heather ​Konerman, Mt. St. Joseph marketing coordinator

Notre Dame Sister Ruth Lubbers

Kristen Mary Meiser, All Saints Parish, Walton

Ken Olenek, St. Pius X Parish, Edgewood

Angie Poat, diocesan Youth Minister

Bridget Price, teacher, Notre Dame Academy

Dustin Reed, St. Paul Parish, Florence

Faye Roch, director, Pro-Life Office

Ben West, St. Joseph Parish, Crescent Springs

Karen Zengel, director, Society of St. Vincent DePaul and St. Mary Parish, Alexandria

Zack Zvoseck, teacher, St. Henry District High School