Yes on 2 Maura's design

The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, something which happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,” and it will be a year of hope for a suffering world. Click here to learn more about local and national events celebrating the jubilee, including a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with Bishop Iffert.

You don’t want to a miss a thing! Stay up to date on events and happenings as together the bishop, priests, and people and of the Diocese of Covington develop a strategic pastoral plan and leaders.

A Message from Bishop Iffert

October 11, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Election Day, Kentucky voters will have a unique opportunity to expand educational opportunities for all Kentucky families.

Following the successful passage of HB 563 in 2021, which was the fruit of 25 years of diligent effort on the part of the Catholic community and many others, the Kentucky Supreme Court struck down the Educational Opportunity Account program, preventing its implementation. The proposed Amendment 2 on this year’s ballot will enable programs like this one to be considered in the years to come.

Along with my brother bishops in Kentucky, I am encouraging all people of goodwill to vote YES on Kentucky Amendment 2. The amendment is a vital step toward empowering parents to ensure that every child has access to quality education that best matches their educational, social and developmental needs.

By supporting Amendment 2, we advocate for a more equitable education system where resources and opportunities are not limited by geography or income. It aligns with our shared values of empowering parents as the primary educators of their children, promoting educational equity, nurturing potential, and giving every child a chance to thrive.

Amendment 2 does not establish any educational choice program. It does open the door for Kentucky’s governor and General Assembly to include non-public schools in the conversation of state educational funding.

Every student should receive a quality education in the school that best fits their educational needs. Our faith tradition affirms that parents are responsible for fostering and directing the education of their child. Amendment 2 can help secure true parental choice for all Kentuckians.

For more than 100 years, our Catholic schools have provided an invaluable service to our local community. It is our hope that the general assembly will recognize and affirm the important work we have done through innovative education and community service. Voting Yes on Amendment 2 is about supporting our families and putting all Kentucky students first.

Devotedly yours in Christ,
Bishop John Iffert

How do I …

In the Diocese of Covington, before contracting the services of an extern (from outside the diocese) priest or deacon, man or woman religious, or lay person a request for verification in good standing must be submitted to the Chancery. Click here and you will be directed to the Chancery’s webpage where you can download and submit the proper form.

You’re engaged — congratulations! Visit the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization page and click on the quick link “Programs for Engaged Couples” for answers to your questions.

The Office of Catechesis and Evangelization offers a variety of adult faith formation classes throughout the school year and during the summer. These classes are also required as part of the catechist certification process and formation for aspirants to the permanent diaconate. For information and the schedule of classes Click Here.

The Tribunal Office is available to help with the annulment process.

Employment opportunities for diocesan administrative positions, principals, teachers, and other parish and school positions can be found by clicking here.

The Archives of the Diocese of Covington offers assistance in obtaining sacramental records and other genealogical information.

New Beginnings is the diocese’s Separated and Divorced ministry. Click here for more information.

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