Parish Missionary Disciples— Cohort one— flexing its missionary muscle at first quarterly gathering

Laura Keener


The GYM is open! That was one of the major fruits coming out of the Parish Missionary Disciples training that was shared at the first quarterly follow-up meeting, Sept. 7.

Parish Missionary Disciples (PMD) is leadership development training for parishioners who are actively involved in ministry at their parish. It is one of three leadership development initiatives, led by the Catholic Leadership Institute, that are part of the With One Heart diocesan pastoral plan. The other two leadership development programs are Good Leaders, Good Shepherds, which is for priests and Tending the Talents, which is for parish and Curia staff.

PMD training for cohort one officially ended in April 2024. Cohort two will begin in February 2025. The over 60 participants of cohort one is so motivated by the Holy Spirit that they asked Deacon James Fortner, diocesan chief operating officer and Jamie Schroeder, chancellor, to bring the group back together quarterly. These quarterly meetings are a way for the group to share progress and offer support as they reimagine parish and personal relationships through the lens of evangelization.

Additionally, four members of cohort one — Bill and Kim Dehlinger, parishioners, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Ft. Mitchell and Gerry and Bridget Otto, parishioners, Mother of God Parish, Covington, have been leading monthly meetings for cohort one. They call these meetings the GYM — Growing Your Missionary Disciple Muscles. At the GYM, PMD members practice what they learn at training, especially how to share personal witness of how knowing Jesus has transformed their life and inviting and walking with others on a journey to Christ.

The reason for both the quarterly meetings and the GYM is obvious — community builds mission.

“We all know what happens to those books (referring to the PMD training manual) when we leave here,” said Mrs. Schroeder, acknowledging that often a person’s best intentions to start or complete anything can quickly disappear once he or she returns to the busyness of day-to-day life.

During the quarterly session, Mrs. Schroeder gave a 15-minute recap of the training. Small groups then discussed the progress and challenges as they work to implement what they have learned at home and the parish.

Anyone who has completed PMD training is welcome at the GYM. To get on the e-mail distribution list contact [email protected] or [email protected].

Signup for Parish Missionary Disciples Cohort 2 will open soon. Anyone who is actively involved in parish ministry is encouraged to attend. The training consists of six, all-day sessions spread out over about three months. PMD cohort 2 training begins in February. Watch your Messenger or visit for information on when registration opens.