Sr. Janet Marie Bucher Day

In Fall 2024, Covington Mayor Joe Meyer presented Sr. Janet Bucher, C.D.P. at the Our Savior Homecoming with a proclamation, stating that October 20th is Sr. Janet Marie Bucher Day […]

NeighborWorks – Homebuyer Education Class

Catholic Charities 3629 Church St., Covington, KY, United States

Come to this class and learn how to buy a home!  Certified housing counselors will walk you through the process, answer your questions, and give you the information you need […]

NeighborWorks – Homebuyer Education Class

Catholic Charities 3629 Church St., Covington, KY, United States

Come to this class and learn how to buy a home!  Certified housing counselors will walk you through the process, answer your questions, and give you the information you need […]