Step two of the Walk with One journey is to intercede in communion with the Holy Spirit

Bella Bailey

Multimedia Correspondent

This year, during the holy season of Lent, the Messenger has encouraged its readers to take part in the Walk with One evangelization effort. This initiative from the National Eucharistic Congress is a way for people to participate in the call to evangelize, to be fishers of men.

In the March 7 and 14 editions of the Messenger, readers were encouraged to participate in the first of four steps as they began their Walk with One journey. That step, identifying someone in a spirit of humility, involves prayer and close connection with the Holy Spirit. The second step, interceding in communion with the Holy Spirit, involves much of the same.

The person that was identified through prayer and discernment in step one will become the person that is interceded for in step two. There are a few ways to intercede for someone communion with the Holy Spirit: writing down the person’s name on a sticky note and keeping it in a wallet to remember during prayer, asking God to open the heart of the person identified in step one so that they are receptive to him and/or offering a Mass or Holy Hour for that person. “

The other piece for this intercede step … is that it’s a really important step to ensure that we don’t get into the mindset that this other persons conversion is based on our work, our own effort,” said Kris Frank, vice director of growth and marketing for the National Eucharistic Congress.

Mr. Frank continued saying, “God is the one who changes hearts and so as we go before the Blessed Sacrament and intercede for that person, not only is God filling that person with grace and hopefully beginning the work in the depths of their soul but … it reminds me that I am not the savior of this person, and this person needs Jesus.”