Staff Members with Offices at the Curia
Sister Margaret Stallmeyer, CDP, JCL
Director and Judge
Diocese of CovingtonReverend Father Ryan L. Stenger, JCL
Diocese of CovingtonReverend Father Gregory E. Osburg
Defender of the Bond
Diocese of CovingtonMs. Karen A. Guidugli
Case Promoter and Notary
Diocese of CovingtonSr. Mary Shannon Kriege, SND
Secretary and Notary
Diocese of CovingtonBetsy Djordjevic
Case Promotor
Diocese of CovingtonAdjunct Tribunal Staff
Reverend Monsignor William B. Neuhaus, JCD, JCL
Promoter of Justice
Diocese of CovingtonVery Reverend Barry M. Windholtz, JCL
Diocese of CovingtonSister Mary Catherine Wenstrup, OSB, JCL
First Instance Defender of the Bond & Second Instance Judge
Diocese of CovingtonReverend Michael D. Barth, JCL
Diocese of CovingtonReverend Monsignor John R. Schulte, JCL
Defender of the Bond
Diocese of CovingtonReverend Father Gerald E. Twaddell, PhD
Defender of the Bond
Diocese of Covington