Grants awarded at DPAA celebration reception, wrapping up 2022 campaign

Maura Baker, Staff Writer  Supporters of the Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal (DPAA) gathered for a reception in the Bishop Howard Memorial Auditorium, Covington, Aug. 25, to celebrate the success of […]

Part 1: Cathedral’s Chapel window recalls the First Eucharistic Congress in the U.S.

Stephen Enzweiler, Cathedral Historian Part 1 in a series Sunny afternoons in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel are quiet times of whispering candles, prayerful pilgrims and streaming sunlight. Frank Duveneck’s murals gaze […]

Father Mark Keene and Deacon Jim Fortner begin new leadership roles in diocese

Laura Keener, Editor The month of August opened and closed with two top positions being filled at the Curia. Bishop John Iffert has appointed Father Mark Keene vicar general and […]