How can you do that?

Most Rev. John Iffert

Bishop of Covington

Catholics Embracing All God’s Children (CEAGC) is a support group for parents and family members of gay, lesbian and transgender people. A local group, they are nurtured by and affiliated with a Lexington based group called Fortunate Families. After meeting with members of CEAGC on two prior occasions, I accepted an invitation to celebrate Mass with members of the group and their neighbors at St. Joseph Parish in Cold Spring on the Memorial of St. Augustine. That decision caused some to ask of me, “How can you do that?”

People ask the question naturally enough because the Catholic Church embraces the Scriptural foundations of sexuality and marriage. To be moral, every sexual act is to be both unitive (contributing to a permanent communion of life and love between spouses) and procreative (open to the creation of new human life). God created men and women in a way that complement one another, and their union leads to the continuation of the human family.

In this moral framework, homosexual acts — like every sexual act outside of marriage, and any sexual act between spouses that separates the unitive and procreative dimensions of sexuality — are grave matter for sin. If freely chosen and embraced, such acts can be an obstacle to our salvation. The Church, therefore, calls all her children to be chaste. Those who are married are to be monogamous within marriage, as a sign of God’s own faithfulness to God’s people. The rest of us are called to abstain from sex all together. In recognizing that adults can have a meaningful and fully human life without being sexually active, the Church is an almost unique and clarion voice in our society.

So then, how? First, the Church firmly asserts that all individuals, without regard to orientation, must be accepted with “respect, compassion and sensitivity” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2358). Pope Francis teaches, “The Church makes her own the attitude of the Lord Jesus, who offers his boundless love to each person without exception” (Amoris Laetitia, 250). This is to be the attitude of the Church’s ministers and all faithful Catholics. The principle is rooted in the belief that every person is made in the image of God and possesses inherent dignity.

The Church especially recognizes the complexities faced by families whose members identify as gay, lesbian or transgender. “Such families should be given respectful pastoral guidance, so that those who manifest a homosexual orientation can receive the assistance they need to understand and fully carry out God’s will in their lives” (AL, 250). This is precisely what I hoped to accomplish by offering this Mass with and for these CEAGC families and their neighbors.

Finally, the Church distinguishes between homosexual orientation and homosexual acts. As mentioned above, our attractions and urges do not define us. Before all else, we are children of God. We should look to our relationship with Christ in the Holy Spirit for our purpose and fulfillment.

Nevertheless, some of our brothers and sisters have an exclusive attraction to people of the same sex, and they experience this as an important aspect of who they are. “In so far as the homosexual orientation can lead to sexual activity which excludes openness to the generation of new human life and the essential sexual complementarity of man and woman, it is, in this particular and precise sense only, objectively disordered. However, it must be quite clear that a homosexual orientation must never be considered sinful or evil in itself” (Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, Cherishing Life, 111).

The presumption that our gay or lesbian brothers and sisters are guilty of unconfessed sin that would preclude them from receiving the Eucharist is discriminatory and never just.

I received letters and e-mails from about two dozen people urging me not to celebrate Mass with CEAGC. I took each one seriously and investigated each complaint about the group or Fortunate Families. In each case, I judged that the complainant failed to make this distinction between orientation and action, presumed sin that was not in evidence, or failed to make the distinction between supporting persons and endorsing an advocacy agenda. I am happy to report that the liturgy on the Memorial of St. Augustine was a solemn, joyous and prayerful moment. The Church was full. The ministries of hospitality, acolyte, word and music were beautifully and respectfully carried out. I recognized most of those in attendance. They are people who regularly attend our parishes and receive Holy Communion faithfully. I was especially impressed by the number of parents who were grateful that they and their children were welcomed by the Church with respect and warmth.

I called all present to remain prayerfully and studiously open to the teaching of the Church about sexuality and marriage. I also encouraged the congregation with a story of a gay man who once witnessed to me his great love for Christ and the Church. That witness had a lasting effect on my life. I invited all to be living witnesses to others. The full text of my homily is available at

Although I was glad to pray with this community and appreciated their invitation to walk with them, I was disturbed that such a simple and natural pastoral response resulted in conflict in this local Church. I asked all present to pray in love for one another, that God bring out of this moment a greater understanding of what the Church teaches and the divine gift of peace and unity. It remains my prayer.

Peace to you and to all who seek the truth with sincerity of heart.

Oil painting of St. Augustine continues a legacy of sacred art, beauty

Maura Baker

Staff Writer

In 1909, Cincinnati painter and devout Catholic Frank Duveneck put his finishing touches on murals to decorate the walls of the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington. Restored by William Blank in 1920, these paintings still boldly decorate the Cathedral’s interior walls — just one example of sacred art that can be found in any number of the Diocese of Covington’s Catholic churches.

“In true beauty, we begin to experience the desire for God,” Pope Francis observed in an address to artists for the 50th anniversary of the Inauguration of the Vatican Museums’ Collection of Modern Art, 2023 — reminiscing on the long-standing friendship between artists and the Church.

St. Augustine also spoke often of beauty, famously lamenting “I have learnt to love you late, Beauty at once so ancient and so new!” in his work Confessions.

How fitting, then, that an oil painting done by an artist native to the diocese features the saint and philosopher — blessed on the feast of St. Augustine, Aug. 28, for St. Augustine Parish, Covington.

The four-and-a-half foot tall painting was commissioned for the church by pastor Father Daniel Schomaker, completed by painter Daniel Zalla during his residency year at the Florence Academy of Art in Florence, Italy this past year.

Mr. Zalla grew up in Villa Hills, as a parishioner of St. Joseph Parish in Crescent Springs, and of the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption during his high school studies at Covington Latin School. While a friend of the family, Mr. Zalla came to know Father Schomaker during his time at Covington Latin as a pontifical server — during which time Father Schomaker was serving as master of ceremonies for Bishop Emeritus (then Bishop) Roger Foys. After graduating from Covington Latin in 2016, Mr. Zalla received his undergraduate degree in Fine Arts from Xavier University, before continuing his studies and eventually graduating from the Florence Academy of Art. He learned about the school following a week-long trip to Venice with a former professor.

After receiving the commission in February 2023, Mr. Zalla’s painting of St. Augustine is now proudly displayed in its parish home.

“The most symbolic representation of St. Augustine is identifiable because he’s holding the restless heart,” depicted commonly as a heart ablaze, Mr. Zalla said about the artwork. “That was something that Father Daniel specifically wanted in the painting, and that comes from St. Augustine’s line, ‘our hearts are restless until they rest in you.’”

The painting itself depicts St. Augustine with deliberate detail — dressed in bishop’s vestments and a miter and carrying a crozier. Emotionally, Daniel Zalla hoped to convey a sense of being “illuminated by the light of God” in the work, which he deemed suited due to St. Augustine’s role as a prolific Doctor of the Church, and his “connection with the Divine and inspiration.”

Symbolically, Mr. Zalla depicts this notion through light. The face, the robes, and most of the figure stand illuminated against the dark, gloomy background of the piece — like the light of God bringing him out of darkness, as Mr. Zalla described. This also helps to contrast the illumination from the fire emitting from the restless heart held in St. Augustine’s hand, which points upward and connects additionally to the highlights in the figure’s eyes.

Daniel Zalla composed the painting so that all lines would point upward to the heavens — carrying through the drapery in St. Augustine’s clothing, to the gesture of his hands and the shape of the clouds. “It keeps the energy in the painting pointing upward,” he said, “and that was very important to me.”

To Mr. Zalla, there is an importance in beauty — this culture of beauty is the primary reason he chose a career in classical painting.

“All these little decorative elements in a city, like if you see a light post with a decoration instead of a stark, minimalistic light post; I think it shows that humans are built for more than just doing something as efficiently as possible to get that job done. Having that element of decoration that’s completely unnecessary … we all recognize it as beautiful,” he said.

“It shows that we’re built for more than just this utilitarian purpose, but that we have a higher calling, and we’re connected to something greater than ourselves,” Mr. Zalla said. “When I look at classical painting, it’s the same kind of thing. Maybe painting isn’t necessary for life, but having this beauty around us connects us to a higher level. Maybe that’s an ambitious goal to shoot for, but to use paintings to help people connect with that ideal — that’s why painting is important.”

Covington Catholic students are called to ‘live the spirit of God’s love’ , said Bishop Iffert at centennial Mass

Maura Baker

Staff Writer

In the 1920s, the Marianists opened a small school for a class of 32 boys across the street from Mother of God parish, Covington, at the request of Bishop Francis William Howard. Now, exactly 100 years later, 521 boys across 4 grades enrolled at Covington Catholic High School returned to Mother of God to celebrate their centennial year alongside faculty and staff, Aug. 23.

Bishop John Iffert celebrated Mass with the Covington Catholic community, alongside Father Eric Boelscher, Covington Catholic’s pastoral administrator, Father Michael Hennigen, chaplain, Father Matthew Cushing, pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Deacon Joseph Wiedeman and Deacon Hudson Henry. Also concelebrating were Covington Catholic graduates Father Daniel Schomaker, ’98, pastor of St. Augustine Parish, Covington, Father Eric Andriot, ’93, pastor of All Saints Parish, Walton and Father Thomas Robbins, ’66, a retired priest celebrating his 50-year jubilee this year.

Bishop Iffert’s homily focused on love, recalling the question asked to Jesus by the pharisees in that morning’s Gospel reading: “What is the greatest law of all the laws?”

To which Jesus replied, “Love the Lord, your God, with your whole being, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

“You want to know the center of all the Scriptures, the key for interpretation for everything the word of God reveals to us and every religious practice we’re involved in … here it is,” said Bishop Iffert.

As his homily continued, Bishop Iffert mentioned the sacrifices made by the parents of the students gathered, “they longed for you,” he said, “they wanted someone just like you to share their love with.” Full nights of sleep, vacations, dates to dinner and movies and personal space were just some of the sacrifices made, Bishop Iffert described.

That same sacrifice, Bishop Iffert said, is being made so that the students of Covington Catholic can experience the brotherhood that the school is famous for, being the only all-boys high school in the Diocese of Covington.

“The purpose of the brotherhood that is created at CovCath (a nickname for the high school) is to teach you how to see every human being you will ever meet in your life as brother and sister,” said Bishop Iffert, “So that you can practice love.”

“For 100 years,” he continued, “you have been announcing the motto, ‘With a spirit that never dies.’” Bishop Iffert elaborated that the “spirit” described is not a certain selfconfidence, or any other selfish sort of spirit, but it is the spirit of God’s Love.

“You’re the first class to define for the next 100 years what Covington Catholic will be about, whether you will live up to that great motto, and live always the spirit of God’s Love.”

DPAA awards 42 community ministry’s a combined $240,000 at annual event

Bella Young

Multimedia Correspondent

Forty-two community ministries were recognized at this year’s DPAA Celebration and Recognition Reception, receiving a cumulative $270,000 in grants. Of the 42 community ministries, nine were new, a testament to the success of the overhaul of the grant application process that was conducted by the Office of Stewardship and Mission Services.

“My goal for this years’ service grant process was to make it as easy as possible for you guys to apply and for us to get to this point, the fun point … This year the application was totally online, and we tried to make it is as easy as possible,” said Jim Hess, director of Stewardship and Mission Services.

This new application process made it easier for those in rural areas to apply for grants. Mr. Hess recognizes the difficulty that rural parishes can face when trying to get funding for their community partners, saying that he is especially proud of the nine new parishes who are able to receive grants.

“I especially want to thank the new ministries. I am especially proud of this fact. The Diocese of Covington is the 14 northern most counties of Kentucky, and while the vast share of our parishes and people are in the northern most counties, we serve the entire 14 counties. We reached out to some of the more rural parishes and asked them, ‘If someone comes to you for help where do you send them?’” said Mr. Hess.

Jeff Jehn, DPAA leadership gifts chair, shared some of the success of the 2024 DPAA with those in attendance at the reception.

“We had almost 6,000 contributors to the DPAA, and they donated $3.5 million. The largest gift we received was $25,000 from two different donors. As of August, 1,162 donors gave over $1,000. That in and of itself if impressive.” Mr. Jehn continued, “35 donors giving $10,000 or more which is ten more than we had last year. On behalf of the DPAA program, we are grateful to all of the donors who contributed … So many good organizations are benefiting from the good work that we do in the DPAA.”

Bishop Iffert expressed his gratitude for the work of the honored community ministries, explaining that he has always had a soft spot for local ministry.

“I have always had a preference for work that’s done at the most local level. It’s so often the big splashy national campaigns and things that get the most attention. Really, you don’t have to spend much time around this Diocese, or around this area, or around our state, or country to see that really, there are just a lot of people working, very quietly working, to make the places they live better, more livable places,” said Bishop Iffert. “We’re very proud and a lot of the people doing that work are in our parishes, and schools, and the agencies and organizations that have a connection with the Catholic Church and there also others that do not have a formal connection with us but share that spirit of wanting to have a happy, holy, healthy community for all of our neighbors and that is a wonderful thing.”

Bishop Iffert said that the DPAA Grant Committee that recommends how the DPAA grants be distributed, prefer awarding grants that directly serve people.

“I think many of us share that preference for the local agencies, share that preference for support of the work that neighbors are doing to help neighbors,” said Bishop Iffert. “I thank you all for being part of that and for your good sense and your embodiment of the call to work for the common good, our community. Thank you so much for that.”

Yes on Amendment2 is great for Kentucky education and Catholic schools

David Cooley


There’s nothing quite like the excitement that surrounds the back-to-school season. This time of year, I can’t help but praise God for Catholic schools. Catholic education is such a vital ministry of the Church. It is a ministry that began because the Church was the first to recognize that all people are beloved children of God, have inherent dignity and deserve to have access to the fullness of the truth.

In a Catholic school students encounter Jesus every day. They pray, receive sacraments, learn the faith and participate in ancient traditions. Children grow together, guided by loving adults and learn what it means to be in a Christian community. They are taught to love their neighbors, serve one another, strive for justice and peace and to show mercy and forgiveness.

While it is true that Catholic schools are known for academic excellence and do a fantastic job of preparing young people for college and careers, we recognize that these are just happy byproducts of a school centered on Christ that teaches students about eternity.

Worldly success has its place, but it is nothing compared to our universal call to holiness. Catholic students learn that God created every single person for a unique purpose in life, but ultimately to be happy with Him forever in heaven. It’s a beautiful message, but it’s also the truth, and it creates an environment where all people can flourish and be joyful.

There is an added level of excitement and anticipation this year in Kentucky with the prospect of Amendment 2 on the ballot in November. This amendment to the state’s constitution will enable legislators to implement school choice programs.

The passing of this amendment would be a win for everyone, but it will especially be a win for parents who want to send their child to a Catholic school but otherwise might not have the means to do so. This amendment should lead to allowing all parents to make decisions that reflect their family’s faith and values, ensuring that their children receive an education that aligns with their moral and spiritual worldview.

My hope is that in Kentucky’s near future parents will be able to send their children to whatever school they think is best for them. This could be a public school or a nonpublic school, but all the obstacles that hindered them in the past, such as a financial burden, will be removed. We all want what is best for children and for our society. School choice ensures that children, regardless of their background or neighborhood, receive an education that prepares them for a bright and hopeful future.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there. I encourage everyone to read the amendment and see that it is designed to support all students and families no matter where they are or what their needs might be. If you believe that parents should be able to find the type of education that works best for their child for them to be successful, you can confidently vote YES on Amendment 2. It doesn’t implement a school choice program, but it is a big step in the right direction.

A school where students are taught that they are beloved children of God, that they are called to love and serve their neighbors, strive for justice and peace, and to show mercy and forgiveness to one another is a blessing for all. Catholic schools benefit society in so many ways. We should do everything we can to preserve them for the future.

David Cooley is co-director of the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization for the Diocese of Covington.

School volunteers say being a part of devoted community is its own reward

Laura Keener


The month of August is Back to School month and the perfect opportunity for the Campaign of Mercy to focus on the corporal work of mercy “to instruct the ignorant.” No one likes to think of themselves or others as ignorant. But the truth is, everyone needs someone to show them the right way to accomplish tasks, to help them develop skills, to think critically, to develop their faith life and at times be corrected. It is an act of love to help others to learn the truths they need to know to save souls — their own and others.

Using a broad definition of “instructing the ignorant” to include any opportunity to support Catholic schools in its mission to teach and form students, Catholic schools offer a cornucopia of volunteer opportunities. Tutors, room assistants, cafeteria servers, fundraisers, school promoters, social media coordinators, coaches — the list accommodates just about any interest. And volunteers are always welcome.

Marci Schroder is a parent volunteer at St. Thomas School, Ft. Thomas, where two of her three children attend. She got involved at St. Thomas School two years ago when her daughter started school.

“I was just looking for an opportunity to meet other parents and get involved,” said Mrs. Schroder.

At the time St. Thomas School was planning for its first Green and Gold Gala, its largest fundraising event. Organizers asked Mrs. Schroder if she would co-chair the event. She agreed.

“And it’s kind of just took off from there,” Mrs. Schroder said, “and the next thing you know, I’m getting plugged into everything else.”

In addition to co-chairing the Gala, Mrs. Schroder coaches cheerleading and is a room parent.

“I just help out wherever they need me to,” she said. If you follow Northern Kentucky high school sports, it’s likely that you have met, heard or held a program in your hand produced by Dave Schabell. Mr. Schabell is the voice of Bishop Brossart High School’s boys’ basketball and football as anchor of the Meridix Broadcast team. The 1965 Brossart alumni also operates the website, serves as business manager and traveling secretary for the BBHS basketball program, edits the basketball program’s Media Guide and organizes fundraisers for the athletic program.

His lifetime of coaching, and now volunteering, has earned him a spot in six Hall of Fames and for one year, in 2022, the road to the BBHS Mustang Athletic Complex bore his name. And while he appreciates being appreciated, he is more humored than boastful by all the accolades, saying that “it’s just what I do.”

“I may swing by, watch the soccer game that night, get a Subway sandwich, sit in the press box, eat dinner, write a little story, go home, put it on the website … one day leads to another, days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years,” Mr. Schabell said.

The 77-year-old bachelor with no children of his own finds his unique position with the BBHS athletic program, which is void of any disciplinary responsibilities, a unique opportunity to help students. His relationship with students spans the generation gap, with the students accepting him as a trusted mentor.

“I got a good rapport with the kids,” Mr. Schabell said. “I try to keep them out of trouble if I see problems occurring. They trust me. I can sit down and talk to a kid and say, ‘Hey, let’s chat. I need to know what’s happening here.’ That’s amazing how you can keep your finger on the pulse of the program, whereas if I were the head coach or the hammer or the disciplinarian, I wouldn’t have that same relationship that I have with the kids.”

For both Mrs. Schroder and Mr. Schabell being a part of a devoted and supportive community is a blessing.

“It’s been very fulfilling for me just to be involved in my children’s school, and really it’s helped me,” said Mrs. Schroder. “I was brand new to the St. Thomas community, so it really helped me to get to know other parents and other families, and just to get to know the community in general. There are so many people here that volunteer. It’s unbelievable the commitment from not only the parents, but the parishioners too, and that’s very inspiring.”

Last December, Mr. Schabell stepped off the curb in front of the Alexandria Post Office and suffered a severe knee injury. He said he is now in his 36th week of what he was told would be a 13-week rehab. After surgery, a oneweek hospital and a two-week stay at a rehab facility, Mr. Schabell returned home to find generations of folks eager to help him.

“Our people set up a meal train and for three weeks, every night at six o’clock I’d hear a knock on my door and in they come with dinner, which usually I ordered,” he said. “People will rally behind you if they believe in you, or they trust in you,” adding that he was never at a loss for a needed ride or groceries. “It’s nice to be appreciated. Volunteering is not a monetary reward, but just the fact that you are appreciated and realizing that you’re making some sort of an impact in a positive way is rewarding.”

For information on volunteer opportunities at your parish school or any of the nine Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Covington, contact the school’s office. They will be happy to get you started.

Diocese enlisting mentors to accompany learners engaged in FranciscanAt Home— could it be you?

Laura Keener


The month of August is Back to School month and the perfect opportunity for the Campaign of Mercy to focus on the corporal work of mercy “to instruct the ignorant.” No one likes to think of themselves or others as ignorant. But the truth is, you can’t know what you don’t know and sometimes we don’t know what we think we know.

Everyone needs someone to show them the right way to accomplish tasks, to help them develop skills, to think critically, to develop their faith life and at times be corrected. It is an act of love to help others learn the truths they need to know to save souls — their own and others.

Bishop John Iffert, through the With One Heart diocesan pastoral plan, is removing barriers for the people of the Diocese of Covington to grow deeper in the faith and to accompany others on their faith journey. Through a partnership with Catechetical Institute, Franciscan University, everyone in the diocese has access — at no cost — to Franciscan At Home.

Franciscan At Home is an online library of over 200 workshops on the Catholic faith. Everyone can, right now, create an account at, then choose a lesson to begin personal study. But what makes Franciscan At Home unique from other online learning platforms is the availability to choose a mentor to accompany the learner as they grow in learning and living their faith.

“This is like their secret sauce,” said Deacon James Fortner, chief operating officer, Diocese of Covington, about the effectiveness and importance of the mentoring aspect of Franciscan At Home. “It gives the ability as a mentor to ask questions, enabling the student to dig deep. You’re not telling them the answer. You’re trying to lead them to an introspection. How’s God moving? What did you feel; what did you see?”

Currently the Office of Catechesis and Evangelization is looking for people to be a part of Franciscan At Home as a mentor. Five in-person workshops, beginning August 17, are being offered to train mentors. (See schedule on page 13.) And like Franciscan At Home, these mentor training workshops are available at no cost to the lay faithful.

“Everything is going to depend on how much we accompany the learners,” said Isaak A. Isaak, co-director, Office of Catechesis and Evangelization. Mr. Isaak is leading the implementation of Franciscan At Home in the diocese. “The biggest thing, really, is how we develop good mentorship.”

Deacon Fortner and Mr. Isaak have a goal for every parish and school to have at least two mentors trained and available to accompany the parents, teachers and parishioners desiring a mentor as they take Franciscan At Home courses.

“Mentorship is just walking with people. Mentors don’t have to teach, they don’t have to offer courses, they don’t have to administer the program. All they need to do is be available as a mentor to walk with people and guide them,” said Mr. Isaak. “It’s like almost giving a person a gift of faith and salvation, introducing them to and leading them closer to Jesus Christ,” that’s the role of the mentor.

How do you know if you’re being called to be a mentor? First, if the thought of accompanying someone on their faith journey stirs your heart and mind, start praying about it. Ask the Lord if this is his plan for you. Then, talk with your pastor or school principal about becoming a mentor. And, of course, register for the mentor training workshops.

“The only qualification, as far as I know, is that you are a baptized Christian and Catholic, practicing your faith and that you are in union with Jesus Christ,” said Mr. Isaak. “The one thing that I would advise people is take advantage these free courses. Bishop Iffert has generously and kindly invested in his people’s lives by bringing this huge platform.”

Mr. Isaak’s encouragement to others comes from deep personal experience.

“When I talk about my faith, I always want to cry because I feel so awesome about it,” said Mr. Isaak. “I just love the Holy Spirit that’s working in it, in these words, in the things that we learn, in everything we do — it just so impactful. I want everyone to come and enjoy what I’m enjoying.”

Diocese urges support for Amendment 2 from teachers at professional development sessions

Maura Baker

Staff Writer

With the 2024–2025 school year on the horizon, the diocesan Schools Office brought in teachers for professional development days, occurring over four sessions divided by grade level, Aug. 1–2, at St. Barbara Parish, Erlanger.

The sessions, which began with presentations and reflections by Chris Padgett, author, musician and cofounder of, geared teachers for the upcoming school year with information on new programs and interests of the Diocese of Covington’s schools.

One such interest is the promotion of the upcoming Amendment 2 on the Kentucky ballot for November’s election, posing the question, “To give parents choices in educational opportunities for their children, are you in favor of enabling the General Assembly to provide financialsupport for the education costs of students in kindergarten through 12th grade who are outside the system of common (public) schools by amending the Constitution of Kentucky as stated below?”— with the amending text reading “The General Assembly may provide financial support for the education of students outside the system of common schools. The General Assembly may exercise this authority by law, Sections 59, 60, 171, 183, 184, 186 and 189 of this Constitution notwithstanding.”

“Yes on 2” promotes school choice, and the Diocese of Covington vouches for voting “Yes” on the ballot this fall.

Kendra McGuire, diocesan superintendent of Catholic Schools, brought this interest to the attention of teachers during each session. For the upcoming school year, diocesan interest in serving under-represented communities is increasing. Programs such as the inclusion of the FIRE Foundation, which seeks to make Catholic schools accessible to students with disabilities, are being implemented in the new year.

“Another hindrance that we see especially in all our schools is finances,” said Mrs. McGuire. “Finances sometimes are a barrier to serving our families.”

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states the responsibility of education for children, and as such, Mrs. McGuire said, “Parents have the right to choose a school for them which corresponds to their own convictions. This right is fundamental.”

Two years ago, the Vatican published a document called “The Identity of a Catholic School for a Cultural Dialogue,” which stated that, according to Mrs. McGuire, “a distinctive feature of the ecclesial nature of our schools is that it is a school for all, especially the weakest.”

Historically, Catholic schools were established by religious to serve the neediest populations — this mission remains.

Mrs. McGuire stressed that the passing of Amendment 2 won’t take away from public school funding, which is required to remain fully funded by law of the Kentucky Constitution — but would allow money to “follow the student” to allow for families a wider range of choice for education, regardless of financial barriers.

As of 2024, 33 states in the United States have some sort of school choice program or charter school law in effect, including every state bordering Kentucky.

If the amendment passes, no immediate programs will become effective, but it will allow “state legislators to listen to constituents across the state to choose to establish or not establish a school choice program in Kentucky,” Mrs. McGuire said. “I hope you will consider voting yes so that we can help all students in our state choose the school that’s best for them.”

“This is the moment for us in making an effort towards school choice,” she continued, “If it doesn’t pass in November, then we are out of options for these children.”

The first Eucharistic Congress in 83 years brings 60,000 Catholics together to revive their love of the Eucharist

Bella Young

Multimedia Correspondent

At the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years, over 60,000 Catholics gathered in a celebration of the Eucharist. With Mass and speaker sessions being spread across a 1–2-mile radius of the Indianapolis Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium, there were not many that missed the presence of the congress. For those in attendance the excitement came not only through the masses of their peers, but through the source and summit of the Catholic Church — the Eucharist.
The congress, as part of the three-year Eucharistic Revival, sought to bring people together for one goal — revival. The Eucharistic Congress website affirms this belief, “At the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, our Catholic Family will gather to experience profound, personal renewal through the power of Christ’s love. Like a new Pentecost, this transformation will flow out from Indianapolis to bring revival in our communities as the church returns to her first love — the source and summit of our faith.”
The three-year Eucharistic Revival comes on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic which significantly reduced the number of people going to Mass, even after restrictions were lifted. In a study published by the Pew Research Center in March of 2023, it was shown that only 33 percent of Catholic U.S. adults attended an in-person Mass in November 2022. This was not because they were attending Mass online either, as 22 percent of Catholic U.S. adults attended online Mass in November 2022.
It was these statistics that prompted the formation of National Eucharistic Congress, Inc., led by a governing board of five bishops and four lay people, chaired by Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Crookston, Minnesota. The goal of this group was to bring the revival, congress and pilgrimages to fruition, and so they did with the National Eucharistic Revival launching on Corpus Christi Sunday in 2022. With the congress having taken place July 17–21, there is still one year left of the Eucharistic Revival.
“Every Movement Needs a Moment,” is what sprawls across the front page of the National Eucharistic Congress website. This slogan is fitting as the National Eucharistic Congress was the moment of the Eucharistic Revival movement. The website reads further, “The Congress will fulfill in a moment the vision of the Eucharistic Revival. Together we will encounter the living Jesus Christ, experience renewal, and be sent out ‘for the life of the world.’”
For the 60,000 in attendance, it was evident that this was the moment. The excitement was palpable as people flooded Lucas Oil Stadium on the first night of the congress, filling the entirety of the bottom bowl of the stadium. It was there that the perpetual pilgrims of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage came out of the four corners of the stadium and met in the middle signifying the convergence and coming together of Catholics from across the country.
The culmination of the procession of pilgrims was evident when an awe-inspiring silence fell over the crowd as Bishop Cozzens carried a specially made monstrance holding Jesus to the altar in the middle of the field. Tom Kissel, parishioner, St. Pius X Parish, Edgewood, called this moment “divinely inspirational.”
Another member of the Diocese of Covington, Joseph Collopy, parishioner, St. Henry Parish, Elsmere, called it “a foretaste of Heaven.”
Along with Mr. Kissel and Mr. Collopy, Bishop John Iffert spoke
about his experience at the congress. “More people have the sense that they are missionaries for
Jesus. The people who are here, the lay people who are faithful to the Church have a greater sense of their missionary vocation in the life of the Church,” said Bishop Iffert. “It is interesting, it is both true that the Church is not smaller than it used to be, in absolute terms we are as large as ever … as a percentage there are fewer people who are regularly active in the faith or who think of themselves as Catholic. But if we think of the Church as a living mission of Jesus, the number of people who embrace that kind of identity, I really think more of the Church, than I have ever known it, has embraced that kind of identity.”
This embrace of missionary identity, Bishop Iffert noted is particularly poignant in young people. “Young people are looking for something larger than themselves to invest their lives in,” he said.
Recalling the homily of the Mass on Thursday morning, Bishop Iffert speaks about growing closer to Christ. “It is all in service to calling people to that personal relationship with Jesus. We want people to have a more intimate, stronger, personal, relationship with Jesus … You think of a wheel, with the spokes coming out of the hub of the wheel, if you think of Jesus as the hub of that wheel, the further you’re out on that wheel the further you are from Jesus, but the further you are from others as well. It is by moving toward the hub, toward Jesus, toward the center, that you not only draw closer to Jesus but to others as well.”
The spirit of revival filled the Indianapolis Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium, with crowds rivaling the size concerts or football games. It was five days of excitement, love and adoration. Sixty thousand people from 17 countries, 50 states, speaking seventeen different languages, celebrating the source and summit of the Catholic Church together.
While the Eucharistic Congress was a pinnacle
moment in the movement, the movement is not yet complete. The revival, which started in 2022, continues. At the summation of the Congress, calling on the many in attendance, it was announced that the final year of Eucharistic Revival will be marked by a Year of Mission. This missionary year introduces an initiative entitled Walk With One.
Walk With One invites everyone to identify someone in their life who does not know Jesus or who has fallen away from the faith and walk with them back to Jesus, embodying the spirit of the Eucharistic Revival.

Vocations monstrance blessed by Pope John Paul II visits local churches

Messenger staff report

The Serra Club for Vocations, Northern Kentucky is taking part in the effort to bring a monstrance blessed by Pope John Paul II to local churches, including the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, Aug. 2–4. The adoration schedule with the monstrance is:
August 2 The monstrance will be at Old St. Mary’s Church, Cincinnati, for an all-night vigil until Benediction the next morning. Exposition begins Aug. 3 after the 7:15 a.m. Mass until 9 a.m. Mass.
August 3
The monstrance then travels to the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption for adoration noon – 4 p.m. (Mass at 4:30 p.m.) and then 5:30 p.m. until 7 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 4. Officers will be present during the overnight hours to ensure the safety of adorers.
August 4–6
From Aug. 4, 1 p.m.– Tuesday, Aug. 6, 6 a.m., the monstrance will be at St. Agnes Church, Ft. Wright, for adoration.

In 2004, St. Pope John Paul II blessed six monstrances to be used during the Year of the Eucharist (2005-2006) for people to pray for an increase in vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life. The monstrances were designated for Eucharistic adora- tion for vocations for each major continent around the world as a symbol of the connection between the Eucharist and priestly vocations. The six regions given a monstrance are: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Pacific. The Holy Father presented the North American Continent monstrance to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for this purpose. In turn, the USCCB entrusted the monstrance to the USA Council of Serra International with instructions to fulfill the Pope’s request: to ensure that this monstrance be used in local parishes so that all Catholics far and wide would come together and pray for vocations. The first diocese to receive the monstrance was Portland, Maine in 2005. A year later, the monstrance had traveled to over 45 dioceses throughout the U.S. and Canada by 2006. Due to the overwhelming volume of requests for the monstrance, the Bishops’ Committee on Vocations made a decision to prolong the availability of the monstrance beyond the end of the Year of the Eucharist, and as long as interest continues.

The Serra Club for Vocations, Northern Kentucky, is a group of Catholic men and women who pray and work to foster vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life. Club members are also committed to grow in knowledge of the Catholic faith and to become better Catholics through prayer and acts of stewardship. For information about the Serra Club visit