Seminary Ball returns for 2024 event with new location and video focusing on new ‘Propaedeutic Year’ of seminarian formation

Maura Baker

Staff Writer

The Seminary Ball — an annual soiree raising money for the Seminarian Education Fund — is preparing to return for its 2024 event the evening of Oct. 18.

This year, the event will be held at a new location, the Receptions event center in Erlanger, and will feature a full open bar for the entirety of the evening, and a tent-covered outdoors to enjoy during cocktail hour before and after the program. John Garvey, the emcee for last year’s event, will be returning to emcee at the 2024 Seminary Ball — and the seminarian “Q&A” with Bishop John Iffert, which allowed attendees to submit questions for the seminarians, will return as well.

Deacon Joshua Heskamp, who entered the transitional diaconate early this year and will be ordained in the upcoming spring, will be the seminarian speaker at the event.

In addition to these changes, the yearly video that releases for the Seminary Ball as promotion for the Seminarian Education Fund, will be focusing on a new aspect of seminarian formation in the United States — the Propaedeutic Year — with perspectives from seminarians William Fuller and Andrew Pugh, who entered seminary last year and were among the first to experience this additional year of “prayer, study and community.”

“We’ll be talking about the Propaedeutic Year and those new stages of formation, called the PPF, or Program of Priestly Formation,” said Jim Hess, director of the diocesan Office of Stewardship and Mission, which hosts the ball. “That’ll be a knowledge piece — we’re trying to make people more aware of where they are.”

With intention on teaching and sharing more about the process that seminarians go through, changes to both seminarian posters and pages on the diocesan website are being put into place as well. The new PPF is divided into four stages: the Propaedeutic Stage (Build the Basics), the Discipleship Stage (Deepen Faith), the Configuration Stage (Shepherd Like Christ) and the Transitional Diaconate (Unite and Ordain).

“It’s still very much worth looking into the Propaedeutic Year and applying for the seminary,” William Fuller says in the new video, “because here you’ll have more opportunity to pray than anywhere else — and prayer is really where discernment lives.”

Currently, there are five seminarians in the Diocese of Covington — and all the money raised the night of the Seminary Ball goes into funding their education, as well as the money raised in the collection the following weekend, said Mr. Hess. “The ball benefits the collection directly.”

For more information on the Seminary Ball, or to register for the event, visit