NeighborWorks – Homebuyer Education Class

Catholic Charities 3629 Church St., Covington, KY, United States

Come to this class and learn how to buy a home!  Certified housing counselors will walk you through the process, answer your questions, and give you the information you need to realize the dream of homeownership.  Class is free but space is limited. Call (859) 581-8974 to register.

Furlongs & Fun: A Night at the Races

St. Augustine Parish, Covington 413 W. 19th St., Covington, KY, United States

Doors will open at 6:00pm.  Races start at 7:00pm.  You must be 18 or older to attend.  $25 per ticket or $20 pre-sale tickets up to the week before.  Raffles, […]


Turning Sorrow Into Joy

St. Mary of the Assumption Parish 8246 E. Main St., Alexandria, KY, United States

Hear from Carl Brown about the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady and Our Lady of Kibeho as he shares how our Lady can help us turn sorrow into joy.

2025 Ash Wednesday Mass

Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption 1130 Madison Ave., Covington, KY, United States

Fish Fry – Father Bealer Knights of Columbus – Elsmere KY

Father Bealer Council Hall 605 Lytle Ave, Elsmere, KY, United States

Knights of Columbus 3908, Lenten fish frys, every Friday in Lent including Good Friday. Join us for a delectable Lenten tradition. Our fish fries are a delightful blend of community, flavor, […]

Theology of the Body – Lessons in Love

St. Pius X Parish 348 Dudley Pk., Edgewood, KY, United States

Sponsored by the Diocese of Covington, a 3-part mini-series of Theology of the Body - Lessons in Love will be held on three consecutive Thursdays, March 6, 13, and 20, 2025, 6:30-8:00pm at St. Pius X Church.  This mini-series is intended for educators, parents, and college and teen leaders.  Attendees must be high school-age and […]