Pray Together:
The family that prays together stays together! Pray together before meals and use the opportunity to pray from the heart—show your children how it’s done! Pray before bed together every night and consider praying the rosary as a family. Allow each family member to pray a section and suggest intentions for beads or decades.
Create a Prayer Corner at Home:
Be a part of “The 1,000 Prayer Corner Challenge” and create a special place in your home that is dedicated to prayer. Make it a private place, if you can, and fill it with sacred art, flowers, candles—anything that helps you pray! Place a Bible and prayer books in the space. Pray together there as a family. Most importantly, let your children see you using the space so they know they can also “visit God” there whenever they need to.
Click HERE for more info about the 1000 Prayer Corner Challenge and how to create a prayer corner in your home.
Click HERE for an article about creating a prayer corner in your home!