Visiting the imprisoned:a work of mercy

Maura Baker

Staff Writer

The Diocese of Covington’s Campaign of Mercy encourages individuals to engage in acts of mercy within their community. One of the more challenging of the Corporal Works of Mercy is ‘visit the prisoners’, referring specifically to incarcerated individuals.

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “people in prison are still people, made in the image and likeness of God. No matter what someone has done, they deserve the opportunity to hear the Word of God and find the Truth of the message of Christ.” The mission of this work of mercy is straightforward— we are called specifically to visit with and pray for those in the criminal justice system, and their families.

Deacon Bill Theis, from St. Therese Parish, Southgate, was involved in jail ministry for 15 years. “We used to go every Christmas. We would always give donations of candy or something to give to the inmates— we’d go around the whole jail,” he said, reflecting on his time participating in the ministry. Getting involved in ministering to the incarcerated can be as simple as giving a friend or family member in jail a phone call or writing them a letter— but, in the Diocese of Covington, jail outreach is a ministry of Catholic Charities, through which you can get involved.

“The Jail Ministry Program at Catholic Charities strives to meet the spiritual needs of all who are impacted by the criminal justice process,” according to Catholic Charities’ webpage on jail and prison ministry— which serves the incarcerated, recently released, family and friends and victims of crime. “We are concerned about the effects of crime and punishment in our society and advocate for justice in these areas, promoting responsibility, rehabilitation and restoration.”

Catholic Charities partners with agencies and facilities to create programs to assist impacted individuals “to develop and support appropriate programs for those who are impacted by the effects of crime and punishment.”

Individuals interested in getting involved in Jail and Prison ministry through Catholic Charities can learn more at or contact Jill Walch, Volunteer Coordinator at 859-581-8974 ext. 119 or [email protected]