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Advertising in the Messenger is easy
- The Messenger accepts many sizes of advertisements. Chances are the artwork that you are currently using with other print media outlets will work in the Messenger.
- Looking for an economical way to sell a car or fill a job opening? The Messenger accepts Classified Advertising.
- Simply contact our advertising manager, Chuck Brinkman, at (859) 392-1500.
The Messenger is valuable for local advertisers
- The Messenger is delivered weekly — 44 times a year — to over 26,000 Catholic households in the 14 counties of Northern Kentucky.
- The Messenger is mailed via the United States Postal Service and is hand delivered to mailboxes, not thrown in driveways or bushes.
- Messenger advertising rates are an excellent value when compared to other print media.
Advertiser Packet including Publication Schedule
- Advertiser is to be billed at the end of each month in which the ad appears.
- Invoice is to paid within 30 days of date of the invoice. Ads unpaid after 30 days of billing date will be charged 1.5% interest per month.
- Advertiser may change ad copy, but may not reduce the number of inches or the frequency of insertion without forfeiting the rate stated in the advertising agreement and paying the rate applicable to the actual amount of advertising done from date of the contract. This amount is due within 30 days of billing date.
- Position of advertisements is at the option of the Messenger.
- Deadline for publication is noon Wednesday preceding the week of publication (nine days before date of issue). Ads cannot be cancelled after that time.
- Ad copy is subject to approval by the Messenger.
- The Messenger reserves the right to reject any advertising deemed objectionable or contrary to Church teaching or diocesan policies in subject matter, content, phraseology or composition.
- Final approval rests with the Messenger’s editor and/or publisher, and not with individual sales representatives.
- Actions taken or expenses incurred by a potential advertiser before final approval of an advertisement is given are not the responsibility of the Messenger or its staff.