
Consecration of Nation to Mary, Mother of the Church

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A message from Bishop Foys

Easter 2020

My dear Friends,

“Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as he said.” (Matt 28:5-6)

These words were spoken to the holy women who came to the tomb on that first Easter morning looking to prepare the body of Jesus for burial. Moments later, as they ran to tell the Apostles of their remarkable encounter, they met Jesus himself. Jesus said: “Do not be afraid.” (Matt 28:10)

Do not be afraid. Those words or some form of those words, we are told, appear in the Old and New Testaments over 300 times.

Do not be afraid. We have nothing to fear because the Lord is indeed risen from the dead! He has conquered sin, death and the grave and he is always with us, always in our midst. Perhaps this Easter we need to hear those words more than ever before.

Do not be afraid!

My friends, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. There is anxiety, stress, fear. Yet, we hold on to the words of Jesus, “Do not be afraid!” Jesus told the women to tell his disciples what they beheld, that he had indeed risen from the dead. (Matt: 28:10) They were to share this good news. They were to share this joy!

We are called upon to do no less in the situation in which we find ourselves. Amidst the difficulties we are experiencing during the pandemic the Lord stands in our midst. He is our hope.

Be assured that each of you is in my prayers every day as we walk together. Please pray for me.

The darkness will give way to life. Fear will give way to hope. And through it all, the Lord is at our side to guide us, to strengthen us, to sustain us.

Blessed Easter! The Lord is risen! Alleluia!

Yours devotedly in the Lord,

Most Rev. Roger J. Foys, D.D., S.T.D.
Bishop of Covington

Update on Bishop Foys

On Friday, April 3, Bishop Roger Foys was admitted to St. Elizabeth Healthcare and was diagnosed with kidney stones. On the recommendation of attending physicians, Bishop Foys was tested for COVID-19 virus. The result of the test was negative.

We ask everyone to pray for Bishop Foys as he recovers.

Bishop Foys is grateful for the good wishes he has received.

Diocesan Response to COVID-19

Update — Effective Immediately

In the interest of the health and safety of our faithful and to help prevent the spread of the
COVID-19 virus, any nonessential meetings, events or gatherings scheduled to be held
from now through April 3 at any of our parishes, Catholic schools, diocesan offices, religious houses and other diocesan institutions are to be postponed or canceled.

With the information we have now, we will be calling for a diocesan-wide suspension of daily and weekend Masses and Sacraments.

This is a very fluid health event and diocesan staff are continually monitoring and discussing how best to respond.

For the latest information click here to be directed to the Public Health Concerns page.

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In the Diocese of Covington, before contracting the services of an extern (from outside the diocese) priest or deacon, man or woman religious, or lay person a request for verification in good standing must be submitted to the Chancery. Click here and you will be directed to the Chancery’s webpage where you can download and submit the proper form.

You’re engaged — congratulations! Visit the Office of Catechesis & Formation web page and click on the quick link “Programs for Engaged Couples” for answers to your questions.

The Office of Catechesis and Formation offers a variety of adult faith formation classes throughout the school year and during the summer. These classes are also required as part of the catechist certification process and formation for aspirants to the permanent diaconate. Click here for information and the schedule of classes.

The Archives of the Diocese of Covington offers assistance in obtaining sacramental records and other genealogical information.

The Tribunal Office is available to help with the annulment process.

Employment opportunities for diocesan administrative positions, principals, teachers, and other parish and school positions can be found by clicking here.

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