2024 DPAA

“Zeal for your House will consume me.”
John 2:17

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The 2024 Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal begins the weekend of March 16-17. This year’s theme is “Zeal for your house will consume me.”  (John 2:17) This year’s Appeal theme, from the Gospel of John, speaks of the zealous nature our Lord had for His father’s house.  As depicted in our DPAA artwork this year, Jesus found his ‘home’ in the temple. He knew His Father’s house was where he needed to be. We are called to similarly embrace that same zeal for His church, the church of Christ, and to bring a renewed life to our parishes.



“Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17)The 2024 Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal will begin the weekend of March 16-17. This year’s theme is “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17) As blessed people who have been the recipients of God’s love and mercy, we can share what we’ve been given.  Christ’s teachings point out that we, His followers need to share our material blessings with others.  Through a pledge to the DPAA, you have the opportunity to fulfill Christ’s instructions.

Ninety-two cents or more of every dollar given to the DPAA translates into ministries of service. Retired priests have a place to live and the healthcare they need. Mothers and fathers gain the skills required to be good parents. Homeless men, women, and children find shelter and a hot meal. Catholic values are instilled through our schools and Parish Religious Education Programs. Seminarians receive education and training. Mothers choose life for their babies and Parishes obtain funds to serve their members with enhanced and new ministries and programs.  Please prayerfully reflect upon God’s love for you, review all the materials you receive, and listen to the DPAA messages presented at Mass. Then, come to Mass on March 16 and March 17 ready to make your gift. We will complete our pledge forms together. God bless you for your generosity!


That we live out our baptismal call to serve one another through the sharing of our time talent and treasure through the Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal … We pray to the Lord.

That God will bless our participation in the Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal as we continue to offer the love of our Heavenly Father … We pray to the Lord.


This year our Parish Goal is $                               . 100% of all monies collected over this goal will be returned to our Parish to                             . Please read the DPAA Newsletter included into today’s bulletin and the letter you will receive at home. Then, come to Mass the weekend of March 16 and 17 prepared to make a loving and sacrificial gift to praise God and to serve others.



“Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17)

In preparation for Commitment Weekend, please take the time to read the DPAA newsletter that is enclosed in today’s bulletin. As you learn more about DPAA ministries, reflect upon all the good that has been accomplished throughout the history of the Appeal because of the sacrifices and generosity of our Diocesan family. A sacrificial gift to the Appeal assures the ministries and services that no Parish could provide on its own. Some of these ministries benefit you and your fellow Parishioners and some serve those you may never meet. A pledge to the Appeal makes you an ambassador for Christ in love, sacrifice and service.

On March 16 and 17, during Mass, we will complete our DPAA pledge forms together. Everything we do as members of the faith community reminds us that we know when we serve others, we serve the Lord, performing good works in His name. When asked to help advance God’s Kingdom on earth by sharing your material blessings through the 2024 DPAA, please be as generous as you can.


That each of us will give generously to serve others through DPAA ministries and to thank the Lord for all He has given us … We pray to the Lord.

That we may have the grace to recognize charitable giving as a joyful act of homage to God … We pray to the Lord.


Today, every Parish in our Diocese is celebrating Commitment Weekend for our 2024 Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal. We, as Disciples of Christ, are moved by the Spirit to make a united effort to glorify the Lord by serving the least in the Diocese of Covington through the DPAA. Help us as a caring community of faith to follow Christ’s instruction to assist the needy. The ministries supported by gifts to the Appeal have tirelessly ministered to thousands and thousands of our sisters and brothers – sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, counseling families and individuals in crisis, educating our children, and caring for our retired priests. In a little while, we will complete our pledge forms together. Your generous gifts given in His name will give glory to our Heavenly Father. Each ministry is critical for the people we serve.


That in our journey to the Father, we may recognize Jesus in others and share our God given gifts with them in justice and love … We pray to the Lord.

For all of us gathered here today, that we may find time to reflect on the gifts we have been given and make a conscious decision to share our material blessings with others … We pray to the Lord.

For the success of the 2024 DPAA on this Commitment Weekend, that the people of our parish and throughout the Diocese will respond generously to the call to help support the many ministries and services made possible by the Appeal … We Pray to the Lord.


Thank you to the Parish families who have made a gift or pledge commitment to the 2024 Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal. Our results are encouraging.         of our Parish households have made a gift. Pledges given at this time total $               . Thank you for your generosity. If you have not yet made a gift or pledge, please prayerfully consider doing so. Every gift makes a difference. Once again, you will have a chance to do this today during Mass when we conduct the In-Pew process.



“Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17)

Throughout history, the DPAA has been able to continue to support the services, ministries and programs that help so many throughout the Diocese. Your kindness and compassion to the Appeal is a vital symbol of our unity in Christ as we reach out in faith to love and serve one another in Jesus’ name. Support of this special Appeal is also a meaningful way of expressing our gratitude to God for His many blessings. As Christian stewards, we are called to share the blessings we receive. Your loving response through both prayers and a financial gift has a great impact. The DPAA is an eloquent expression of our love for God and our stewardship of His gifts. To date        ____households in our Parish have given pledges totaling $         ____________. May God bless you for your generosity. If you haven’t made your gift, please do so today, or drop it in the offertory basket next weekend.


That through the Eucharist, Christ’s love may flow into us, and, through us and our practice of stewardship, to all people in our Parish, our community and our Diocese of Covington … We pray to the Lord.





Dear **Personalized**:

Each year, the success of the Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal at                  (Name of Parish) signifies that we are truly One Body in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our sacrifices and generosity to the DPAA are part of our commitment to continuing His mission on earth.

Through the Appeal, we respond to Jesus’ commandment to love and serve one another through our own individual efforts and through the works and ministries of His Church.

Thank you for your gift of $             to the 2024 DPAA. To date, a total of $                  has been pledged by                                 Parishioners and friends. (OPTIONAL: Together we have exceeded our Parish goal of $                . Congratulations!) Remember 100% of monies pledged and collected over our goal, will be returned to our Parish to


May God bless you for your generosity. On behalf of the thousands of men, women, and children who are served by DPAA ministries, thank you.





Dear **Personalized**:

The Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal provides a way for all of us to take an active role in the mission of our Church.

While we cannot always be the one to comfort the grieving, teach the young and reach out to those in need, we can – through our generosity, ensure that our Diocese is strong and vibrant so that it is able to meet the needs of so many in the year ahead. Your gift is an investment in the future of our Church and our faith. In addition, 100% of monies collected over our Parish goal, will be returned to us to


A few weeks ago, at Mass and through the mail, you were invited to contribute to the 2024 DPAA. I was counting on our Parishioners then, and I continue to do so. This letter is simply a reminder of this invitation.

Please know that I am grateful to you for your sacrifice, regardless of the amount. May you be abundantly blessed for your commitment to our Parish and to God’s people throughout our Diocese.

You remain in my prayers always.


***HOW: Call the Diocesan Stewardship Office (859) 392-1500 for reports of donors who are 90+ days behind on their pledge payments. Personalize the following letter and print it on Parish letterhead.***



Dear **Personalize**:

Whenever we share our gifts with one another, we demonstrate our love for our heavenly Father and thank Him for His many blessings.

Thank you once again for sharing your love through your generous pledge of $                                                                                                                       to the DPAA. Because of your generosity, DPAA ministries can continue to bring the light and love of Jesus Christ to those who turn to the Church for assistance.

However, it appears that the payments on your pledge are not up to date. Although the DPAA pledge payment period does not end until March 2025, it can be very difficult to fulfill a pledge when payments fall behind. All commitments should be fulfilled by March 31, 2025.

If our records are incorrect, I sincerely apologize. Please call our office or the Diocesan Stewardship Office at (859) 392-1500, and your records will be updated immediately. If your circumstances have changed, and you find you are unable to fulfill your pledge or need to adjust it, just let the Parish or the Diocese know.

May God continue to bestow His abundant blessings on you and your family just as your sacrifice provides blessings for many others.


(typically Announcement Weekend)


 Good morning – good afternoon – good evening. We are all being asked, day after day, to help some worthy cause…and there are so many of them…aren’t there?

However, I agreed to speak today about the Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal because I believe that the DPAA is something special. It is really OUR Appeal. It allows all of us to join together in support of ministries and services that are too large for a single individual or even a single Parish to provide alone – and at the same time to help our own Parish.

During this 2024 DPAA, the parish is urging all Parishioners to make a pledge so that we, the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Covington, can make a difference in the lives of people throughout our Diocese – even right here in our own Parish. (MENTION ONE OR TWO PROGRAMS SUPPORTED BY THE DPAA THAT HELP YOUR PARISH – ASK PARISH STAFF FOR SUGGESTIONS)

We can and do make a difference. Our Parish goal this year is $       .

I know that we can meet it. It may be a bit harder than last year due to the economic climate, but by giving together we can do it. Don’t forget that 100% of pledges collected over our Parish goal, will be returned to our Parish to       .

When you are asked to make a pledge during our In-Pew Solicitation Process next week – please ask yourself – how is God calling me to use what has been entrusted into my care? Then decide on a pledge amount to the DPAA. You can give your pledge on an ongoing monthly basis by signing up online or over the phone, or you can sign up for a 10 month pledge with the pledge card.

It is important for all of us to participate and make a difference to the least among us. Some of us will be able to give more than others. I encourage you to pray diligently as to what God is calling you to do. When you feel good about your pledge – then it is the right one. Thank you and God bless you!



Good morning. Today we are conducting the annual campaign that asks all parishioners to make a financial commitment to the Diocese of Covington’s 2024 Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal.

As your Pastor, I want to thank all of you who have given to this campaign in past years. I can assure you that the funds you gave are deeply appreciated by the parishes, ministries and people served by the Diocese.

Each of us are called to share his or her gifts in support of the Church. The DPAA is a very effective way to support ministries outside of our parish boundaries, as well as to support the services that the Diocese provides to our parish.

I ask our Appeal volunteers and ushers to come forward at this time to distribute the pledge envelopes.

Now, please open the flap and find the pledge form and the pencil.


Adult children living at home should complete their own pledge envelopes. Also, if one of our elementary or high school students wishes to participate, please see that he or she receives an envelope as well. Make sure there is a note on the pledge form that the enclosed is a gift from a student.

Please print legibly.

Please complete the pledge form with your name, spouse’s name, address (if it is a new address, please write new in the margin), phone, email and the parish to which you want your gift credited.

Now, look at the information provided in the middle of the pledge form. Indicate THE TOTAL AMOUNT of your pledge on the first line. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SIGN YOUR NAME.

If you are making a payment on this pledge today, write THE AMOUNT OF YOUR PAYMENT on the middle line. Make checks payable to the DPAA 2024


ON THE ENCLOSED PAYMENT LINE. You will receive a pledge reminder by mail over a ten month period beginning in June if you do not submit your payment online.

Now, we need to know how you wish to pay your pledge. Look in the box labeled “Payment Options” on the right.

If you would like to make a gift online, you can visit www.covido.org or scan the QR code with your phone’s camera on the pledge card. Online you can sign up for an ongoing monthly gift through credit card or electronic funds transfer.

If you have enclosed a check for your pledge, please check the box – CHECK ENCLOSED.

If you intend to use stock to pay your pledge, please check the appropriate box. Call your broker or the Diocesan Stewardship Office for information on making gifts of stock.

There is also a box you may check if you wish to receive information about including the Church in your will. The Diocesan Legacy Society recognizes those who have made this last commitment to their Church and their faith.

If you cannot contribute at this time, please note that you will not be making a gift. Either enter a ZERO on the total pledge line or write “no gift” on the pledge form. This information should ensure that you will not be contacted again during this campaign.

Please tear off your Pledge Commitment Form, sign the form and place it in the envelope.



Click on the image at right to download a copy of the Retired Fund for Religious handbook.

The handbooks includes parish resources including:

  • Pulpit announcements
  • Bulletin inserts
  • Current statistics for the Diocese of Covington
  • Important dates to remember
  • Contact information


You are invited to give hope through your gift to the International Mission Needs Combined Collection. Your one gift is divided among five mission organizations: Catholic Relief Services, the Churches in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Christians in the Holy Land, and the Pontifical Mission Aid Societies.  This Collection makes it possible to provide assistance across the globe to those suffering from natural disasters, the violence of war, poverty, and unjust laws. Your contribution to this Collection will continue to preserve and protect Churches and Christians across the globe. Please give today with a joyful and sharing heart.


This week the International Mission Needs Collection will be conducted to help our suffering brothers and sisters throughout the world. Your one gift is divided among five mission organizations: Catholic Relief Services, the Churches in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Christians in the Holy Land, and the Pontifical Mission Aid Societies.  This Collection makes it possible to provide assistance across the globe to those suffering from natural disasters, the violence of war, poverty, and unjust laws. Your contribution to this Collection will continue to preserve and protect Churches and Christians across the globe. Please give today with a joyful and sharing heart.


That our hearts may be moved to seek unity and solidarity with the faithful throughout the world by sharing what God has entrusted into our care… Let us pray to the Lord.


Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land, where
they are now less than 2% of the population. Your support is essential to help the Church minister in parishes, provide Catholic
schools, and offer religious education. The Pontifical Good Friday Collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines of Christianity,
including in Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem, to name only a few.
The pandemic had hit Christians in the Holy Land particularly hard. Most of them depend on pilgrimages for work. The war made
their situation even more dramatic. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collection is necessary to meet the basic needs
of the People of God still living in this Land and to maintain a Christian presence where the Church was born.
When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church
in the Holy Land. PLEASE BE GENEROUS!
For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit www.myfranciscan.org or www.custodia.org


Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. Through
the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land as a witness of peace, supporting
Catholics there in parishes and schools, maintaining Christian shrines and caring for refugees in the Holy Land. Please be generous!

Bulletin Announcements

Week Before the Collection
Next week we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection to support the Universal Church and the work of the Holy See, including helping Pope Francis to carry out his charitable works. These works benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Please be generous. For more information, visit www.obolodisanpietro.va/en.html.

Week of the Collection
Today is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collection that supports the work of the Universal Church, including the work of the Holy See and the charitable works of Pope Francis. Take this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a sign of mercy to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous today. For more information, visit www.obolodisanpietro.va/en.html.

Week After the Collection
Thank you for your generous support in last week’s Peter’s Pence Collection! As a parish, we collected $[amount]. Our contributions will join those from our brothers and sisters worldwide to help Pope Francis in his ministry to the Universal Church, including relief to people in
need and support for the Holy See. If you missed the collection, it is not too late to give. Visit www.usccb.org/peters-pence.

Bulletin Announcements (Spanish)
Anuncios para el boletín

Semana antes de la Colecta
La próxima semana realizaremos la Colecta Peter’s Pence, para apoyar a la Iglesia universal y la labor de la Santa Sede, incluyendo la ayuda al papa Francisco para que pueda llevar a cabo sus obras de caridad. Estas obras benefician a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en la periferia de la sociedad, incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra, de opresión y de desastres. Por favor, sean generosos. Para más información, visiten www.obolodisanpietro.va/es.html.

Semana de la Colecta
Hoy es la Colecta Peter’s Pence, una colecta a nivel mundial que apoya la labor de la Iglesia universal, incluyendo la labor de la Santa Sede y las obras de caridad del papa Francisco. Tomen esta oportunidad para unirse al papa Francisco y sean un signo de misericordia para nuestros hermanos y hermanas que sufren. Por favor, sean generosos hoy. Para más información, visiten www.obolodisanpietro.va/es.html.

Semana después de la Colecta
Muchas gracias por su generoso apoyo la semana pasada a la Colecta Peter’s Pence. Como parroquia, recaudamos $[cantidad]. Nuestras contribuciones se juntarán con aquellas de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en todo el mundo para ayudar al papa Francisco en su ministerio con la Iglesia universal, incluyendo ayuda a las personas necesitadas y un apoyo a la Santa Sede. Si no les fue posible contribuir a la Colecta, aún lo pueden hacer. Visiten www.usccb.org/peters-pence.

Pulpit Announcement/Llamado a la parroquia

Today we take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, a significant way to support the Universal Church. This collection, supported by Catholics around the globe, funds the ongoing activities of the Holy See and helps the Holy Father reach out to people suffering in our world. Please be generous today.

Hoy realizaremos la Colecta Peter’s Pence, una manera significativa de apoyar a la Iglesia universal. Esta colecta, apoyada por católicos alrededor del mundo, financia las actividades en curso de la Santa Sede y ayuda al Santo Padre a llegar a las personas que sufren en nuestro mundo. Por favor, sean generosos hoy.


That God, who has blessed us with an abundance of good things, will make us signs of mercy to our brothers and sisters in need, we pray to the Lord.

Que Dios, quien nos ha bendecido con una abundancia de cosas buenas, nos convierta en signos de misericordia para nuestras hermanas y hermanos necesitados, oremos al Señor.

Announcement Weekend – August 17 & 18, 2024


Next weekend, our Diocesan Domestic Needs Combined Collection will be conducted in all parishes throughout our Diocese. Gifts to this one Collection fund the ministries of six Catholic Appeals as they work to strengthen the Church and Her people here in the United States.


Next weekend, the Domestic Needs Collection, one of our Diocesan Special Combined Collections, will be conducted in every parish and mission throughout our 14 counties. Gifts to this one Collection fund the ministries of six Catholic Appeals as they work to strengthen the Church and Her people here in the United States.

  • The Catholic Campaign for Human Development funds programs in communities across the United States by giving a hand up, rather than a handout.
  • The Catholic Home Mission Appeal grants money to dioceses in the United States who struggle to meet basic pastoral needs.
  • Catholic Communication Campaign provides grants to Catholic organizations that help spread the Good News through social networking sites, podcasts, television, radio, and print media.
  • The Black and Indian Mission Appeal helps to maintain a Catholic presence within the African American, American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut faith communities in the United States.
  • The Catholic University of America and our local institution, Thomas More University, help to bring success and experience while educating students in the spirit of faith.

Please give to support these very important collections and help to Strengthen Your Church at Home.


That through our prayers and generosity, the programs supported by our gifts to the Diocesan Domestic Needs Appeal will strengthen our Church throughout the United States, and will bring the Good News of God’s love and hope to all … Let us pray to the Lord.

Collection Weekend – August 24 & 25, 2024


Today, our second Collection will support the ministries of six Catholic organizations:  The Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the Catholic Home Mission Appeal, the Catholic Communication Campaign, the National Collection for Black and Indian Missions, The Catholic University of America and Thomas More University.  Your one gift will help men, women and children throughout the United States and will support evangelization efforts that will continue to Strengthen Your Church at Home. 


Thank you to members of our parish who donated this weekend to support the ministries of six Catholic organizations that are combined into one Diocesan Domestic Needs Collection. You helped to support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Communication Campaign, Catholic Home Missions Appeal, The Catholic University of America, The National Black and Indian Mission Collection, and our own Thomas More University.  May God bless you for your generosity. If you have not made your gift to Strengthen Your Church at Home, please do so today or next weekend.  Make your check payable to the Domestic Needs Collection. Thank you in advance for strengthening the work of our Church here at home.


That we, the people of God, will open our hearts and souls to justice so that we will speak and act in ways that will eliminate poverty and share the Good News with our brothers and sisters in Christ and to live our lives in service to one another … Let us pray to the Lord.

Follow-up Weekend – Aug. 31 & Sept. 1, 2024


Thanks to each of you who supported the Diocesan Domestic Needs Collection last weekend.  Due to your generosity, our parish will help to bring the “Good News” of Christ’s love and compassion to our brothers and sisters throughout the United States and to strengthen the work of our Church here at home.


Thank you to members of our parish who donated last weekend to support the ministries of six Catholic organizations that are combined into one Diocesan Domestic Needs Collection. You helped to support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Communication Campaign, Catholic Home Missions Appeal, The Catholic University of America, The National Black and Indian Mission Collection, and our own Thomas More University.  May God bless you for your generosity. If you have not made your gift to Strengthen Your Church at Home, please do so today or next weekend.  Make your check payable to the Domestic Needs Collection. Thank you in advance for strengthening the work of our Church here at home.


For all who work to address poverty in this country and for our own parish community and Diocese, that we may follow Christ’s example of love and solidarity with the poor … Let us pray to the Lord.

Awareness Weekend – October 19 and 20, 2024


Our Diocese has been blessed with men who have accepted the call to discern and prepare for priesthood.  Next weekend you can assist in their formation by giving to the Seminarian Education Fund Collection. We ask that you be generous in your donation and pray for those studying to become priests in our diocese.


“Take Courage: get up, Jesus is calling you.” (Mk 10:46-52)

The Seminarians for our Diocese are preparing, through prayer, education, and service to others, to become the future priests of our Diocese.  They have dedicated themselves to follow the Lord and have the heart of the Good Shepherd. As the Lord has called them, so too are we called to support them on their journey.  Please be generous in your gift and in your prayer for them.


For all parents, that God will inspire them to promote vocations to the priesthood … Let us pray to the Lord.

For all who have made a commitment to pray intensely for vocations, that their intercessory prayers for an increase in candidates to the priesthood in our Diocese will be fruitful for our local Church and that they will be blessed for their efforts … Let us pray to the Lord.

Collection Weekend – October 26 and 27, 2024


Our seminarians have heard God’s call deep in their hearts, and are courageously following where He leads them.  Their response to the Lord has led them to the seminary where they have entered into an extraordinary journey of faith.  Please give generously today to the Seminary Education Fund to assist with the cost of tuition, room and board, retreats and health care for our men studying for the priesthood, and please remember them in your prayers.


“Take Courage: get up, Jesus is calling you.” (Mk 10:46-52)

A vocation to the priesthood is an answer to Jesus’ call to participate in His work.  Christ is the One who calls.   The Diocese of Covington has been blessed to have men who have responded to Christ’s call.  These men will need the love and support of the community to complete their journey. The estimated Diocesan cost for providing our seminarians with tuition, books, room and board, health insurance, living allowances, and retreats for the coming year will amount to more than $58,000 per seminarian. You can help by making an immediate gift to the Seminarian Education Fund.  Please pray daily for our seminarians and an increase in vocations to the priesthood.


For our seminarians that they may know the support and love of our faith community as they grow in holiness and continue to discern God’s call … Let us pray to the Lord.

For our seminarians and priests who inspire and strengthen us by the witness of their commitment … Let us pray to the Lord.

For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, especially within our Diocese … Let us pray to the Lord.

Follow-up and Appreciation Weekend – November 2 and 3, 2024


On behalf of Bishop Iffert and our Diocesan seminarians,  thank you to all who invested in our Church, our Diocese, and our seminarians by making a gift to the Seminarian Education Fund.  Please continue to pray for our seminarians and for vocations to the priesthood.  If you have not made your gift to the Seminarian Education Fund, please do so today.


“Take Courage: get up, Jesus is calling you.” (Mk 10:46-52)

Thank you to all who contributed to the Collection for the Seminarian Education Fund.  Our parish family generously donated ____________.  These gifts will provide funds for tuition, room and board, books, health care and retreats for our seminarians.  Your investment in our seminarians is a prayerful commitment to your Church and to your brothers and sisters in Christ.  If you have not made your gift, please drop your envelope into the offertory basket today or next weekend.  Please continue to pray for our seminarians, for members of our clergy, and for vocations to the priesthood.  


For all those asking God to direct them in their choice of a vocation … Let us pray to the Lord.

Parish Accounting and Remittance Procedures

Use these forms to guide you as you complete your remittance for all second collections. Once completed return to the Diocese of Covington, Stewardship and Missions Office.

Accounting Procedures
Remittance Form