2020 File Review and Substantiated Allegations

The Diocese of Covington is releasing the names of priests, religious, deacons and lay employees who have served in our Diocese against whom one or more allegations of sexual abuse of a minor have been substantiated. Click here to be directed to the file review and list.

The Safe Environment Program

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People is a comprehensive set of procedures originally established to address allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. The Charter mandates the creation of a permanent USCCB Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People, the National Review Board, and the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection. The Charter also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of abuse. It was revised in 2005, 2011, and 2018.

Article 12 of the Charter states:

Dioceses/eparchies are to maintain “safe environment” programs which the
diocesan/eparchial bishop deems to be in accord with Catholic moral principles. They are to be conducted cooperatively with parents, civil authorities, educators, and community organizations to provide education and training for minors, parents, ministers, employees, volunteers, and others about ways to sustain and foster a safe environment for minors. Dioceses/eparchies are to make clear to clergy and all members of the community the standards of conduct for clergy and other persons with regard to their contact with minors.

The Diocese of Covington has chosen to use the VIRTUS Safe Environment Programs to train both our children and adults. VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practice programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “right doing” within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the church.

VIRTUS- Empowering God’s Children

As adults, we are ultimately responsible for the safety and welfare of the children and youth in our lives. Building on this fact, the EGC program equips children with the tools they need to help them learn to navigate a world that is ever changing.  Through age-appropriate lessons all children in Diocesan schools and religious education programs are taught about creating boundaries and respecting other’s boundaries, recognizing safe and unsafe behaviors, and how to identify and have healthy relationships.

VIRTUS – Protecting God’s Children

This program provides adults with awareness, education and training about the nature and scope of the issue of child abuse. Focus is on identifying predatory grooming behaviors, handling a disclosure of abuse and reporting it.

Those who have been sexually abused by Diocesan personnel should contact the Victim Assistance Coordinator Julie Feinauer for counseling resources.
859-392-1515 or at jfeinauer@covdio.org

Reporting Misconduct in the Diocese of Covington

Anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct by a cleric, employee, religious or volunteer of the Diocese of Covington is asked to contact Julie Feinauer, Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator (859) 392-1515 . Professional assistance and pastoral support will be provided in confidentiality and with respect.

A copy of the “Diocesan Policies and Procedures for Addressing Sexual Misconduct” is available by contacting the Safe Environment Office, (859) 392-1515 or in Adobe format by clicking here.

Informando Sobre Conducta Inapropiada en la Diocesis de Covington

Cualquier persona que haya experimentado conducta sexual inapropiada por parte de un clérigo, empleado, religioso o voluntario de la Diócesis de Covington está invitada a ponerse en contacto con Julie Feinauer , coordindora diocesana para dar asistencia a las víctimas. Teléfono (859)392-1515. Asistencia profesional y apoyo moral serán ofrecidos de una manera confidencial y con respeto.

Una copia de “Normas y Procedimientos sobre “Conducta Sexual Inapropiada” está disponible poniéndose en contacto con la Ambiente Seguro, Teléfono (859) 392-1515, o haciendo clic aqui.

Reporting Current Abuse


For imminent threat of abuse, call 911.

For suspicion of abuse or neglect contact local law enforcement. An officer will take your statement, and if appropriate, ensure that the child speak with a child advocate.

You may also contact your county’s Commonwealth Attorney to make a report (listed below).

If abuse occurred on a Diocesan property, or by a cleric, religious, employee, or volunteer of the Diocese of Covington, contact Julie Feinauer 859-392-1515 AFTER contacting civil authorities.

Reporting Adults Abused As Minors

Commonwealth Attorney

Boone County
(859) 586-1723

Bracken County
(606) 564-4304

Campbell County
(859) 292-6490

Carroll County
(502) 732-6688 or (502) 732-5841

Fleming County
(606) 564-4304

Gallatin County
(859) 586-1723

Grant County
(502) 732-6688 or (502) 732-5841

Harrison County
(859) 234-2707

Kenton County
(859) 292-6580

Lewis County
(606) 473-9823

Mason County
(606) 564-4304

Owen County
(502) 732-6688 or (502) 732-5841

Pendleton County
(859) 234-2707

Robertson County
(859) 234-2707