The end of training nears for the first group of mentors ready to accompany online Catechetical Institute learners
Laura Keener
The Office of Catechesis and Evangelization continues to make strides in implementing its portions of the “With One Heart” Diocesan Pastoral Plan. About 40 people are nearing completion of the five series “Mentoring Workshops,” offered by the Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute. Sarah Wells, pastoral associate, Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, led Part I of the final session, “Empathic Listening,” Feb. 8, at the Curia’s Bishop Howard Memorial Auditorium. These soon-to-be mentors are from parishes throughout the diocese.
Priority one of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan is for ongoing faith formation. One of the goals in that priority is to empower parishes and families to fulfill their shared mission of ongoing faith formation. One of the strategies the Diocese is employing to achieve this goal is its partnership with the Catechetical Institute of Franciscan University.
Through the Catechetical Institute’s “Franciscan at Home” online courses, everyone in the Diocese has free and unlimited access to over 200 courses, workshops and tracks — in both English and Spanish — that can help them to grow in their understanding and practice of the faith. And while online courses are the meat and potatoes, having a mentor as a guide along the way has been called “the secret sauce” of Franciscan at Home.
“What a mentor does is helps people to tap into what the University offers,” said Isaak A. Isaak, co-director, Office of Catechesis and Evangelization.
Mentors, Mr. Isaak said, will help pastors and people in the parish use the Franciscan At Home library to create small group Bible studies, retreats and even how to pray rosary and other prayers of the Church. They will also accompany individuals as they learn and deepen their faith life by taking individual courses.
“It’s an accompaniment relationship,” said Ms. Wells. “It benefits them greatly to have a spiritual mentor of some kind, some kind of spiritual big brother or big sister that can just walk with them and really accompany them, for the sake of accountability and for someone to reflect back to you the growth that you’re making.”
“When you have a mentor, you have somebody to go to, someone you can interact with in real time, who is familiar with the course that you’re taking, who can affirm and answer questions. A mentor is also somebody, if they don’t know the answer, they’ll find it and get back to you, so you’re not going to be left wondering,” said Jenn Ledonne, director of Religious Education, St. Mary Parish, Alexandria.
Mrs. Ledonne and Ms. Wells are both a part of the leadership team made up of parish directors and coordinators of religious education that is assisting Mr. Isaak with implementation of Franciscan At Home.
Mentors, Mrs. Ledonne said, can help learners break out of their comfort zone and explore courses and workshops that they might not otherwise choose.
“Everybody has different areas that they’re trying to grow in ministry, and having a mentor in those areas, I think is especially beneficial. When clearly there’s a need, they can help identify that offer suggestions and affirm you throughout the process,” she said.
Every parish and school in the Diocese of Covington is already registered and waiting for parishioners to create their own free account. Simply go to to create a free account. Then choose from the dozens of courses, workshops and tracks available through Franciscan at Home. And, if you are interested in finding a mentor, contact Isaak Isaak at