Diocesan Office of Worship and Liturgy Staff
Deacon Peter J. Freeman
Shannon Barnes
Diocesan Worship Commission
The Diocesan Worship Commission serves as an advisory board to the Bishop of Covington and the Office of Worship and Liturgy for the Diocese of Covington. The members of the Commission, chosen for their expertise in theology, liturgy, music, art, and architecture, provide counsel on liturgical matters pertaining to the Diocese of Covington. These include: sacramental guidelines, the construction of worship spaces, the renovation of worship spaces, the implementation of directives, and other matters in which the Bishop or Office of Worship seeks their advice.
Diocesan Worship Commission members
Rev. Gerald E. Twaddell
Chaplain and Faculty
Thomas More College
Rev. Stephen M. Bankemper
Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Rev. Msgr. William B. Neuhaus
Director of the Office of the Diaconate
Diocese of Covington
Rev. Daniel L. Schomaker
Vicar General, Diocese of Covington
Pastor, St. Augustine Parish, Covington
Rev. Joseph C. Shelton
Administrative Assistant to the Bishop
Episcopal Master of Ceremonies
Diocese of Covington
Deacon Gerald Franzen
Deacon, Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption Parish
Dr. Gregory Schaffer
Organist and Choir Director
Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption Parish
Dr. Cecilia Dorger
Dept of Art, Mount St. Joseph University
Mrs. Katie Barton
Director, Diocesan Choir, Diocese of Covington
Director of Music and Liturgy, St. Mary Parish, Hyde Park
Mr. Bradley Torline
Young Adult Coordinator
Diocese of Covington