Thomas Murrin ordained to the Order of Deacon

Maura Baker, Staff Writer

 A congregation of family and friends gathered at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Oct. 15, for the ordination of Deacon Thomas (Tom) John Murrin to the Order of Deacon for the Diocese of Covington. Bishop John Iffert was the celebrant and ordaining prelate. Concelebrating were Father Mark Keene, vicar general and pastor of St. Agnes Parish, Ft. Wright, and Father David Sunberg, director of the Permanent Deacon Formation Program at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. 

While expected to be ordained with the rest of his class in April, an injury as result of a fall and subsequential months of recovery led to a delay of Tom Murrin’s ordination, which was celebrated last weekend. In attendance to this celebration was much of Deacon Murrin’s family, including his wife, Mary Murrin, and children, who spent “long hours in the hospital and long hours in Also attending the ordination Mass were many of the diocese’s deacons, including those who were ordained from Deacon Murrin’s class earlier this year and from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and members of Deacon Murrin’s home parish, St. Philip, Melbourne. 

During his homily, Bishop Iffert recalled the second reading from the Acts of the Apostles, describing the formation of the Order of Deacon. In this reading, the minority population, Greek-speaking Jews, believed their widows were being treated unfairly. As a solution, the apostles “call upon the assembled Church to select the leaders who will attend to the collection and distribution of food so that the apostles can attend to the prayer and ministry of the world,” said Bishop Iffert. “Notice that the community and the apostles are generous in their solution. All the men, all seven of them chosen for this diaconal ministry, all seven of them have Greek names. Presumably, they’re all from among the minority, who have raised this complaint. There’s no bickering about representation or fairness, these men are chosen from among the minority community that feels aggrieved, and they are entrusted to share the authority of the apostles.” 

Bishop Iffert then addresses Deacon Murrin directly, saying, “This is an extraordinary example for us. You can’t help but be struck by the generosity of this sharing of authority. There is no self interest in the call of these men, who we will come to think of as the first deacons … the only ambition that is properly Christian is the ambition to serve, to serve after the example of Jesus Christ,” he said. 

Following the homily, Bishop Iffert prays the Prayer of Ordination and lays his hands over top Deacon Murrin’s head, conferring the Holy Spirit to him and officially ordaining him as a deacon. Following, Deacon Murrin is vested for the first time by his brother, Deacon Kevin Murrin of the Diocese of Columbus. 

Following Mass, Bishop Iffert announced Deacon Murrin’s first official assignment — to his home parish of St. Philip, Melbourne.prayer accompanying Tom through those dark days,” said Bishop Iffert during his homily, thanking the family for their generosity of supporting Deacon Murrin and his pursuit of his “ordained ministry in the Church.” 

Image: Laying his hands over the head of Deacon Murrin, Bishop Iffert confers to him the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

Let the ‘Soul of Christ’ lead you on the Eucharistic Revival

Laura Keener, Editor

On the Feast of Corpus Christi in June 2022, the Diocese of Covington, along with dioceses across the United States and in collaboration with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, launched a three-year Eucharistic Revival. The mission of the revival is to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. The key to achieving that mission is to restore understanding and devotion to the real presence of Christ in the Eucharistic. 

The revival will be implemented in three phases. Year 1 — June 2022 thru June 2023, is the Year of Diocesan Revival. Each Diocese is tasked to encourage the faithful to grow in their understanding and devotion to Christ in the Eucharist. 

In the Diocese of Covington, Father Daniel Schomaker, director, Office of Worship and Liturgy, will be leading the diocese’s efforts. To start, the diocese will be including Eucharistic adoration and benediction as a part of already scheduled diocesan celebrations. An example was the most recent Pro-Life Mass, which ended with a few minutes of adoration and benediction. 

In collaboration with the Messenger, the Office of Worship and Liturgy begins with this edition a yearlong, weekly series of brief articles to engage “the head and the heart;” to increase the understanding of and love for Jesus in the Eucharist. The series will introduce or re-introduce Eucharistic prayers; Eucharistic art and music, which are seen and heard in parish churches; praying the Mass, the source and summit of our Eucharistic life; and sharing personal witnesses, both local and historical. 

The series begins by introducing a prayer — the “Anima Christi” (“Soul of Christ”). The Anima Christi is an ancient prayer. It is typically referred to as the prayer After Communion, since many people pray the Anima Christi after receiving holy Communion. It is often associated with 16th century St. Ignatius of Loyola, although historians have found the prayer in documents dating back to the 14th century. St. Ignatius uses the prayer as an opening to his Spiritual Exercises. 

Adding the Anima Christi to your prayer toolbox, especially after receiving holy Communion, is a blessed way to start a personal Eucharistic revival. 

Anima Christi 

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. 

Body of Christ, save me. 

Blood of Christ, inebriate me. 

Water from the side of Christ, wash me. 

Passion of Christ, strengthen me. 

O good Jesus, hear me. 

Within your wounds, hide me. 

Let me never be separated from you. 

From the malignant enemy, defend me. 

In the hour of my death, call me, 

And bid me come to you, 

That with your saints I may praise you 

Forever and ever. Amen. 

Digging deeper: 

Franciscan Media offers a line-by-line breakdown of the Anima Christi: 

Ignatian Spirituality offers “An Ignatian Prayer Adventure,” an online, eight-week, modified version of the St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises: 

Eucharistic Revival Timeline 

The Year of Diocesan Revival — June 2022 thru June 2023. Each Diocese will encourage the faithful to grow in their understanding and devotion to Christ in the Eucharist, to raise up Eucharistic missionaries at all levels of the Church. 

The Year of Parish Revival — June 2023 thru June 2024. During this year parishes are tasked to foster Eucharistic devotion at the parish level, strengthening liturgical life through Eucharistic adoration, missions, resources, preaching, and organic movements of the Holy Spirit. 

The National Eucharistic Congress — July 17–21, 2024. This five-day historic event will be held at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, where over 80,000 Catholics are expected to gather and be reconsecrated to the Catholic faith as missionary disciples. 

The National Year of Mission— July 2024 thru July 2025. The entire American Church will be sent on mission to share the gift of the Eucharistic Lord with their local communities and beyond.

Like pieces on a chess board, the cause for life is ‘a symphony’

Laura Keener, Editor

 Respect Life month kicked off in prayer, Oct. 4, with the celebration of the annual diocesan Pro-Life Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington. Bishop John Iffert was the celebrant and Father Conor Kunath the homilist. Over 300 people attended the Mass, which began with praying the rosary, included a moment of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction and ended with the distribution of “Vote Yes on 2” yard signs outside of the church. 

Vote Yes on 2 refers to amendment 2, which will be on the ballot this Nov. 8. The amendment is clear, concise and would amend the Bill of Rights of the Kentucky Constitution to state that nothing in the state constitution protects or secures a right to abortion or requires the funding of abortion. Voting “Yes” is a vote for life. 

In his closing remarks, Bishop Iffert encouraged everyone to vote this November and in particular, vote “yes” on amendment 2 and to “do it joyfully and to do it with thanksgiving to God for giving us this opportunity,” he said. The trick, he said, is that amendment 2 will be the last item on the ballot and that some voters may have to turn over their ballot to see the amendment. Also, anyone voting a straight party ticket will need to be sure that they also mark their vote for amendment 2. Amendment 2 is a non-partisan piece of legislation, and like all non-partisan seats (for example judges, city council members and others) is not automatically picked up in a straight party vote. Each non-partisan item must be marked individually. 

“It begins with this phrase, ‘For the protection of human life…’ If you are for the protection of human life, then vote yes on that amendment. Encourage your neighbors and your friends to do the same,” said Bishop Iffert. “It’s very, very important. Please become a little group of recruiters that will go out into the world to recruit other people to vote yes on amendment 2. It’s an important thing that we can do to help assure the protection life from the moment of conception.” 

In his homily, Father Kunath used the great 1972 World Chess Championship between Soviet grandmaster Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer of the United States as an analogy for the pro-life movement. 

“The date is July 23, 1972. After five back and forth games with a surprising forfeit in the second, the match is equaled up. People don’t quite know what to expect at this point. There’s already been a lot of history made up to this point and in just the last five days, things that had never happened before have happened. The world is on edge because this is one of those great confrontations between the two great powers of the Cold War — the United States and Russia,” Father Kunath said. 

The sixth game, a seminal game that would break the tie and determine the momentum of the match, begins with an open that plays to the strengths of the grandmaster. Yet, Mr. Fischer dominates his opponent in way that not only impresses those watching the game, but also the grandmaster himself. In an interview, a friend of Mr. Fischer described the game as “a symphony of classic beauty.” 

“That phrase always struck me,” said Father Kunath. “What exactly is he seeing that we are not seeing? What exactly is going on over those 64 squares that the rest of us don’t see?” By understanding the foundations of chess, a person begins to understand the achievements of that day and what Bobby Fischer accomplished, Father Kunath said. 

To be able to see so deeply into the game of chess to be able to describe it as a symphony of classic beauty, “I think that this sort of sentiment, this fact, is something we, especially as pro-lifers, have to be very keen to observe for ourselves, because while certainly our life, our mission, as pro-lifers is primarily and rightly centered on abortion, our cause as pro-lifers encompasses a great deal more than that,” Father Kunath said. “Our cause as pro-lifers encompasses all that is good, true and beautiful. Our cause as pro-lifers encompasses everything that is.” 

Father Kunath encouraged those in the pro-life movement to understand more deeply what is the cause for life. 

“You and I aren’t just standing here praising God this evening in hopes that he will give us an abundant victory,” Father Kunath said. “You and I are here tonight celebrating the very fact of our existence. We’re not just fighting against a terrible scourge on our culture. We’re not just fighting against abortion and its attendant vices. You and I are arguing by the way we live our life, that life is fundamentally good. That life is beautiful. That everything that is around us is in one sentence or another a love letter from God himself.” 

The annual diocesan Pro-Life Mass is organized by the diocesan Pro-Life Office. For more information on the pro-life efforts in the Diocese of Covington and how you or your parish can get involved visit

Image: Vote “Yes on 2” yard signs were distributed after Mass. Raising their sign, from left, are: Father Mark Keene, vicar general and pastor, St. Agnes Parish, Ft. Wright; Addia Wuchner, executive director, Kentucky Right to Life; Bishop Iffert; Peggy Piccola, assistant director, diocesan Pro-Life Office and Julie Gallenstein, parishioner, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Burlington. 

Through the Eucharist, we are ‘free to proclaim the word of God,’ Bishop Iffert preaches at SUMMIT22 Mass

Maura Baker, Staff Writer

Youth in the Diocese of Covington, age 13-22, attended SUMMIT22, a youth retreat, at Covington Catholic High School, Oct. 7–9. Following the model of World Youth Day, the weekend-long retreat engages youth in daily Mass, rosary, Eucharistic adoration and “dynamic catechesis.” Saturday, Oct. 8, Bishop John Iffert joined attendees of the weekend retreat to celebrate Mass. 

In his homily, Bishop Iffert draws parallels between the story of the lepers in Luke’s Gospel with the Eucharist. “Jesus sends them (the lepers) to the priest to be healed. He says to the priests, to pronounce them clean,” he said, “The priest examines the one who has been healed of leprosy. And if he finds no blotch on them, he might separate them out for seven days, and then examine them again. And if he still finds no blotch on them, then there’s a sacrifice that is prescribed… the person who has been declared healed of leprosy is to go procure two birds, perfect birds, without any blotch or scar.” Bishop Iffert then goes on to describe the process of this sacrifice as written in Leviticus 14, including the two “perfect birds” and a “pot of living water,” water from a flowing stream. 

“He takes one of the birds and he kills the bird, and he drains the blood from the bird into that pot of water that has been taken from a living source. And then, now with this pot of blood from the sacrifice bird, he takes the other bird, the one that is still live. He binds it to Cedar wood with scarlet thread. And then, the priest takes the living bird, the one who has been offered for sacrifice but is still alive… He takes the living bird and he dips that living bird into the blood of the bird that has been sacrificed, into that clay pot of blood and living water,” he said. After sprinkling the blood and living water with the bird seven times over the leper that has been declared clean, the living bird is then set free to “fly across the countryside.” 

Bishop Iffert goes on to compare the parallels of the sacrificial rites of the two birds to Jesus in the crucifixion, “What flows from Jesus’ side? When Jesus is pierced — blood, and living water,” he said, referencing the moment of the crucifixion when a Roman soldier pierces Jesus’s side with a lance. “We are washed in that. And, then like that bird, set free for a purpose, to proclaim the mercy and the glory of God.” 

Bishop Iffert then challenged those gathered to be “amazed at the hugeness of mercy” offered in the Eucharist, “and respond with hearts that respond well to graciousness. Hearts that are thankful. Can we do that? Are we determined?” He concludes by once again referencing and comparing us, the Church, to the “bird that was set free,” to proclaim the word of God. 

The annual Eucharistic retreat for youth and young adults is organized and sponsored by the diocesan Office of Catechesis and Evangelization and the Covington Retreat Committee. This year the retreat was led by the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament from Cleveland, Ohio.

Image: Bishop John Iffert addresses attendees of SUMMIT22 during his homily at the retreat’s Saturday Mass service, October 8. 

Like family, ‘With One Heart’ launches

Laura Keener, Editor

 Blue skies, cooler temperatures and a mostly gentle breeze made for a relaxed and enjoyable celebration and launch party, Sept. 30, at the Curia’s St. Mary Park, Covington. The celebration was for Bishop John Iffert’s one year — to-the-day — anniversary. The launch party was for the diocese’s strategic pastoral planning and leadership development initiative “With One Heart” (WOH). 

Organized by Deacon Jim Fortner, chief operating officer and Jamie Schroeder, chancellor, with assistance from the WOH Core Team and Planning Commission and members of the Curia staff, the event resembled a backyard family cookout. Hamburgers were donated by JTM Food Group and hotdogs by Bluegrass Meats. Local Catholic organizations and groups provided the sides — potato salad, broccoli salad, fruit salad, baked beans and desserts. These groups included the Catholic Order of Foresters, Cursillo, Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Knights of St. John, Mustard Seed Community, Parish Kitchen, Regnum Christi, Serra Club of Northern Kentucky, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, That Man Is You! and Walking with Purpose. Dan Walsh, parishioner, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Burlington, provided musical entertainment; Pam Schneider, parishioner, Divine Mercy Parish, Bellevue, made the cake and members of the Knights of Columbus manned the grill. 

“They asked me what kind of event I wanted to celebrate my first year anniversary and I said I want hamburgers, hotdogs and potato salad. I hope that you like that cuisine as well because it’s my favorite,” said Bishop Iffert as he began leading attendees in the prayer before meals. 

Nearly 300 people attended the event, including Bishop Emeritus Roger Foys, to celebrate Bishop Iffert and to hear his vision for WOH. Bishop Iffert began by sharing some of his many “firsts” as Bishop of Covington — confirmations, ordinations, Masses, classroom visits, parish festivals, etc. (A pictorial exhibit of some of his first year highlights is on display at St. Mary Park through the month of October.) He also recalled that, at the press conference “Weeks after that, I thought I really should have given a better answer than that,” said Bishop Iffert. “What I would like to have said was that there’s no way that I can enunciate for you on that first day a vision or pastoral plan. Because I really believe that God gifts every people with genius … I believe the Diocese of Covington has a genius and that you contain that hope, you have the answer, the ability and the gifts to address every difficulty that the Church faces here in Northern Kentucky today. You all contain all of the resources, have all of the wisdom, all of the knowledge, to address all of those critical problems that we face to carry on the mission of Jesus in the life of the Church. I believe that with my whole heart.” 

After being here a year, Bishop Iffert said, he is ready to announce his vision. “My vision is that God has given us together the gifts that we need to be his living mission. My vision is that we would work together to develop a vision that is in service to the entire body of the Church. That we would step outside of ourselves and our own little preferences and our own special interests and we would think about what is best for this group, this Church, this body that lives here in Northern Kentucky and that we would act and decide together.” 

Because pastors — the way they preach, the way they welcome, the way they interact with their parishioners — are instrumental to creating a parish that others would recommend to their family and friends, Bishop Iffert said, “I am unapologetic about saying, the first group of people we need to focus on are our priests, who put themselves out there to be leaders, to help embolden them, to invest in our priests the skills for leadership. Our priests are excellent priests. Our presbyterate is filled with good and holy and talented men. And to give them the support to be the leaders that they want to be and that we all know they can be, this is the first and centerpiece of the vision that I want to annunciate here.” 

Bishop Iffert said he also wants to empower the laity, to invite the laity to bring the skills that they have developed in all the areas of their life into the life of the Church to assist their priests. 

“That’s part of the vision … I want us to be set free from fear …I want a vision of Church that unleashes that potential; that priests and religious and deacons and laity respond free from fear,” he said. 

The content of that vision, Bishop Iffert said, “that’s up to us to develop together and that’s what this With One Heart initiative is all about. It’s all about assessing the situation together. Planning together. Accompanying one another with leadership formation together, and working to implement those plans, thanking God for them, reviewing them and then doing it again.” 

In closing, Bishop Iffert recognized and praised Bishop Foys for his over 40 years as an administrator both in the Diocese of Steubenville as vicar general for 22 years and as Bishop of Covington for 20 years. 

“I want to appreciate Bishop Foys in a very special way,” Bishop Iffert said. “He told me when I got here that he was going to step back for that first year and let me have some time on my own. Now we’re at the end of that year. I hope now that we can invite you back into the active life of the Church. Thank you, thank you so much.”announcing his appointment, a reporter had asked what his vision and pastoral plan was for the diocese and how he had quipped that he had only been here for 12 minutes. 

Image: Bishop John Iffert announces his vision for the With One Heart strategic pastoral plan and leadership development initiative, Sept. 30, at St. Mary’s Park, Covington. Nearly 300 people attended the event, which included a celebration of Bishop Iffert’s first year in Covington. 

Deacon candidate Tom Murrin views ordination as a ‘starting point’

Maura Baker, Staff Writer

 In preparation for his ordination to the permanent diaconate this October, Tom Murrin joined the Messenger for an interview regarding his vocation and faith journey. 

Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Murrin came to Cincinnati as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Graduating with an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from the University of Detroit, Mr. Murrin spent his 20s in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati, working with the homeless population there. 

“I worked at Tender Mercies, which is a housing organization that houses the chronically mentally ill,” said Mr. Murrin., who also worked at the St. Joseph Catholic Worker House at the time. While working with these organizations in his youth, Mr. Murrin earned his master’s degree in social work, and met his wife, Mary. 

“It would have been 2012,” recalled Mr. Murrin, “I got a phone call from my brother who is now a deacon in the Diocese of Columbus. Kevin is two years younger than me, and Kevin told me he thought he was being called to be a deacon. I said to Kevin at the time, you know, I have had those thoughts as well,” he said. 

Mr. Murrin’s brother, Kevin Murrin, was ordained by the Diocese of Columbus in 2016, and Tom Murrin began pursuing his vocation three years later in 2019, after he and Mary had become “empty-nesters.” 

Originally, Mr. Murrin was to be ordained in April this year. However, an injury delayed the ordination. “On Superbowl Sunday last year, I was carrying my daughter’s bags out to her car. And the Superbowl was right when we had an ice storm,” said Mr. Murrin. “I slipped on the ice and hit the back of my head. I suffered a subdural hematoma, which is bleeding on the brain. I spent 19 days in the hospital. I had 9 brain surgeries… and that was what prevented me from being ordained with my fellow class.” 

“I don’t want to say the experience was a great experience,” he continued, “but it was a very spiritually rewarding experience. It has only more confirmed my interest in doing this for the Church.” 

A chaplain at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Mr. Murrin explains that his experience helped him to better understand those whom he ministers to. “When you go into a room as a chaplain, sometimes a hard thing is to know what the person expects from you. I think being on the receiving end of that care has advanced my education beyond the first unit of Clinical Pastoral Education that I have.” 

Now recovered from the hematoma, Mr. Murrin looks forward to his ordination this Oct. 15. The ordination will be held at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington. 

“It will be a large family event,” said Mr. Murrin, “my mom is going to come down from Cleveland, and I have an aunt in Columbus. I have Kevin, my brother, who will vest me, and is also coming down from Cleveland. 

“A lot of people will come up to me and say congratulations,” Mr. Murrin said, concluding, “I accept people’s congratulations, and I know what they’re saying… But, you know, I view this as a starting point, not a finishing point. The ordination is a start for me.” 

Diocese of Covington raises funds for Eastern Kentucky flooding victims

Maura Baker, Staff Writer

 After devastating floods ravaged Eastern Kentucky in July, resulting in the loss of both lives and homes, the Diocese of Covington’s response to the needs of our neighbors included a collection to raise funds for flood victims. 

This collection included not only second collections gathered at weekend Masses, but also online donations made through the diocesan website. 

With donations from parishes and individuals all across the diocese, $314,399.96 will be provided to Eastern Kentucky relief efforts. Bishop John Iffert will forward the funds directly to Bishop John Stowe of the Diocese of Lexington, which includes Eastern Kentucky. One hundred percent of these funds raised by the diocesan collection will go directly to those most affected by the floods. 

“People really stepped up,” proudly remarked Michael Murray, Director of the Office of Stewardship and Mission for the Diocese of Covington, “We have a wonderful faith community here.” 

According to Catholic News Service, other Catholic diocese and organizations have stepped up to the plate to provide relief to those victims as well, including a collection held early August by the Archdiocese of Louisville, and a donation of $250,000 made by Catholic Charities as of Aug. 8. 

Image: A Kentucky National Guard flight crew from 2/147th Bravo Co. flies over a flooded area in response to a declared state of emergency in eastern Kentucky July 29, 2022. CNS photo/Sgt. Jesse Elbouab, U.S. Army National Guard via Reuters 

Check, one-two — St. John Parish awarded an OCP Parish Grant for microphones

Laura Keener, Editor

In a letter to Bishop John Iffert, the OCP (Oregon Catholic Press) Board of Directors announced that St. John Parish, Covington, was the recipient of an OCP Parish Grant in the amount of $1,500. At St. John Parish, the grant will be used to purchase new microphones and cables. 

“It is our sincere hope that this grant will help St. John the Evangelist meet the needs they so clearly presented in their application, as well as support their effort to enhance their community’s liturgy and music,” wrote Wade Wisler, publisher, OCP. 

OCP serves parishes by publishing music and worship resources. Most parishes are familiar with their hymnals “Breaking Bread,” “Today’s Missal,” “Heritage Missal” and its bilingual “Unidos en Cristo|United in Christ” missal and hymnals, including “Journeysongs.” What parishes may be less familiar with is that each year OCP provides grants to parishes seeking to enhance worship and music ministries. 

“St. John the Evangelist was chosen for this award out of hundreds of applications from parishes large and small across the United States,” said Mr. Wisler. “We take great satisfaction in knowing that so many parishes are committed to fulfilling the needs of their communities.” 

Daryl Sandy, organist, St. John Parish, Covington, said that qualifying and applying for an OCP grant is a relatively easy process. All U.S. Roman Catholic parishes or college and university campus ministries that did not receive an OCP Parish Grant the previous year are eligible. The only “minor” restriction on the grant is that the money must be used for liturgical or musical purposes. The amount awarded varies from year to year. Application forms and information is available on the OCP website. 

“They have a video that tells you how to apply and some suggestions for how to improve your chances for getting a grant,” said Mr. Sandy. 

This is the third OCP Parish Grant that Mr. Sandy has received — two for St. John the Evangelist Parish, Covington and one for St. Ann Mission, Covington. 

“I put in a form every year because you never know, they might not have a lot of people requesting one that year,” he said. 

Parishes will be able to apply online for 2023 grants in early Spring. 

“We hope these stories about recipients will be an inspiration to other parishes struggling with similar limitations and striving toward similar goals,” wrote Mr. Wisler. “We invite any parish that was not awarded a grant in the previous year to apply in the coming year.” 

For information visit the OCP website,

Grants awarded at DPAA celebration reception, wrapping up 2022 campaign

Maura Baker, Staff Writer

 Supporters of the Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal (DPAA) gathered for a reception in the Bishop Howard Memorial Auditorium, Covington, Aug. 25, to celebrate the success of the 2022 campaign. Service grants were also awarded as a component of this reception, wherein schools, parishes and charitable organizations within the Diocese received funds to continue to serve the people of the Diocese of Covington. 

In attendance at the dinner were donors and grant recipients, but also DPAA leaders such as Mike Murray, director, Office of Stewardship and Mission; Bishop John Iffert of the Diocese of Covington; Karen Riegler, 2022 DPAA general chair and Matt Hollenkamp, 2022 DPAA leadership gifts chair. 

“Our gifted pledges today total $3,820,976,” announced Mrs. Riegler at the reception. This year, 44 of the 53 diocesan parishes met or exceeded their DPAA contribution goals, and 42 parishes, schools and agencies were rewarded grants totalling in $265,000 for 56 different projects. 

“It’s amazing this journey that we’re on,” said Mr. Hollenkamp about the success of this year’s campaign. Continuing, he announced, “Our largest gift (this year) was $40,000. As of this week, we had over 1,100 contributors who have given $1,000 or more, totalling $2.3 million plus… this whole process has taught me just the generosity of our diocese. I’m just so impressed. It makes me feel so good and so blessed to live here in our diocese, and I can’t wait for next year.” 

“It’s all about supporting the Church, reaching out with works of charity,” said Bishop Iffert about the DPAA campaign. “You are responding to needs with your hands, with your minds, with your hearts, your whole self, directly… thank you to all the parishes, organizations and people who get your hands dirty, and make a difference.” 

At the end of the reception, Bishop Iffert announced that Matt Hollenhamp, who served as the Leadership Gifts Chair this year, will serve as the General Chair in 2023 DPAA campaign. 

Photo: Karen Riegler, 2022 DPAA general chair; Bishop John Iffert and Matt Hollenkamp, 2022 DPAA leadership gifts chair; stand for a photo at the 2022 DPAA celebration reception. 

Father Mark Keene and Deacon Jim Fortner begin new leadership roles in diocese

Laura Keener, Editor

The month of August opened and closed with two top positions being filled at the Curia. Bishop John Iffert has appointed Father Mark Keene vicar general and Deacon James Fortner chief operating officer for the Diocese of Covington.

“I look forward to collaborating with Father Keene and Deacon Fortner in leading the Curia staff and serving parishes of the Diocese of Covington,” said Bishop Iffert. “I am personally grateful for their willingness to put their substantial pastoral and leadership skills at the service of this local Church.”

Father Keene was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Covington in 1984 by Bishop William Hughes. In addition to his new assignment as vicar general, Father Keene’s current assignments include: pastor, St. Agnes Parish, Ft. Wright; pastoral administrator, Covington Catholic High School, Park Hills; dean, Northern Kenton County Deanery; and member of the Presbyteral Council and Priest Retirement Fund Committee.

Previous assignments included associate pastor, St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Ft. Thomas (1984–1987); and St. Joseph Parish, Crescent Springs (1987–1993); pastor, St. Benedict Parish, Covington (1993–1999) and chaplain, Covington Latin School (1997–1999).

A Louisville native, Father Keene attended Holy Spirit Parish and Holy Trinity High School where he earned an athletic scholarship to the University of Kentucky playing football. At UK, he was recognized as an Academic All-American and his team won the Peach Bowl. Upon graduating Phi Beta Kappa from UK in 1979, Father Keene studied pre-theology at St. Pius X Seminary, Erlanger, completing his seminary studies at Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Cincinnati.

The role of Vicar General is a canonical appointment in the Catholic Church. The Code of Canon Law requires a bishop to appoint at least one vicar general “who is provided with ordinary power … and who is to assist him in the governance of the whole diocese.” (475)

Bishop Roger Foys ordained Jim Fortner a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Covington in 2019. He is assigned to his home parish, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Ft. Mitchell.

Prior to being name COO for the diocese, Deacon Fortner was assigned campus minister at Covington Catholic High School. At Blessed Sacrament Parish he has taught in the Parish School of Religion, led the “That Man Is You” men’s spiritual development program and trained Altar Servers. Other responsibilities in the Diocese have included spiritual director, Cursillo; ministering at Madonna Manor; and preparing couples for the sacrament of marriage.

He and his wife, Julie, have been married for 34 years. They have been blessed with five children and five grandchildren, with two more expected by the end of this year.

Deacon Fortner received a Bachelor’s of Science in Economics and Information Systems from Northern Kentucky University in 1987 and a Masters in Finance from St. Louis University in 1989. In 2003 he earned a Lay Ministry Development Certificate from the Diocese of Covington. He com- pleted his diaconate studies in 2019 at The Athenaeum of Ohio, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. Deacon Fortner is a life-long learner and continues to take classes at The Athenaeum of Ohio, on track to earn his Masters in Theology in 2023.

After 29 years at Procter and Gamble, most recently as senior vice president, chief information officer for Supply Chain, Research and

Development and Procurement Services Worldwide, Deacon Fortner retired in 2018. After his retirement and until 2021, he developed his own consulting firm, JAF Business Services Strategic Consultant, serving over 75 companies worldwide to improve business services.

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a new position developed by Bishop John Iffert to directly collaborator with the Bishop and Vicar General in planning and implementing goals in every pastoral and administrative area. The COO directs and supervises the offices of the Curia. Deacon Fortner will begin his new assignment as COO for the Diocese of Covington, Aug. 29.